Major changes:
Hyperparameters fail-safes have been added to all notebooks.
The implementation of SSIM from SciKit is now used. PSNR is now also calculated during quality control.
In the 3D notebooks (including fnet), the quality assessment metrics are now calculated on a slice-by-slice basis and not from the maximum intensity projection anymore.
In the CARE notebooks:
- The new default batch_size is 16 (instead of 64 previously).
In the Sartdist 2D notebook:
- The new default patch_size is automatically defined as the size of the images to analyse.
- Stardist grid_size is now modifiable as an advanced parameter.
In the CARE 3D and Noise2VOID3D notebooks, the users can now modify the numbers of tile to use when performing the prediction.
- minor modifications.