DL4MicEverywhere v2.1.0
New Features 🚀
Standalone executables
With this latest release, we are now providing standalone executables. These executables include everything required to run independently. Currently, we only offer them for Linux and Windows operating systems, with MacOS support in progress.
Understandable messages
When using DL4MicEverywhere's GUI, there is a step where you're asked how you'd like to build your Docker image: locally, from Docker Hub, or by using an existing pre-built image if available. These messages were previously unclear, but now they are more informative and easier to understand.
Markdown in widgets
Previously, @markdown comments in Colab were not displayed, which affected the ZeroCostDL4Mic experience. This issue has been resolved, and markdown comments now appear within the same output as the widgets.
Port number as an optional parameter
Previously, port 8888 was used by default, and then other ports were tested iteratively until an available one was found. Now, users can specify a port number if they want to connect to a specific port, which is especially useful for servers or remote connections (commit: 65fb2e5).
Updated load_bioimageio_pytorch.ipynb
The bespoke notebook load_bioimageio_pytorch.ipynb works with the bioimageio.core and bioimageio.spec libraries to load and export PyTorch models from the BioImage Model Zoo. This notebook has been updated to be compatible with the latest versions of the bioimageio.core and bioimage.spec packages.
Automatic Release CI
The upadted release CI will trigger when commit is done with a version number. Also containing the constructors and the pyinstaller as the release's assets.
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Resolved the \r command not found issue on Windows when using git clone (commits: fb7ce36, 65a7d3c).
- Switched to UTF-8 encoding to avoid character issues (commit: d6484ef).
- Fixed automatic Docker Desktop installation and enabled non-root execution (commits: 31b5c9f, e71ac49).
- Resolved Python installation issues across different CIs (commits: 469508b, 958ff4f).