This package contains a wrapper to interpret any predictor. Use this package:
- to interpret a machine learning model that runs over a service
- to interpret a trained ML- model in python, that has insufficient features for interpretation
- to interpret a trained ML- model in python, using the methods already set up for you
- to get ideas about how to use the interpretation methods
By using established interpretation- techniques, the package only needs a function that takes a dataset and returns a prediction, as well as some information about the data and columns. The package then automatically sets up a wrapper containing the important information and configurations to run interpretations.
To set up the predictor, state the necessary information as in file StartPredictionInterpreter given: Here, we use a DummyML-Model that predicts the amount of visitors on a day, depending on whether it is holiday, how much the ticket price is, and what'S the weather like. (For your additional information: There are many visitors if its holiday, or when the price is low. The weather has a random effect on the amount of visitors. But all of this you will see when running the dummy data.)
Additionally to the DummyMLModel, it is necessary to give
the testdata as a panda-Dataframe
as well as the result column's name
all data columns' names
the numerical column names (if there are any...)
the categories in result column (classes_)
rather the result is a continuous value
#get data and object that has singlepredict in correct format dm = DummyMLModel() data = dm.testdata
#define necessary variables for techniques standardColumns = data.columns.to_list() resultcolumn = "visitorsOnThisDay" listOfNumericalColumns = ["ticketPrice"] classes = data[resultcolumn].unique().tolist() resultIsContinuous = False
After that, create the the interpreter with the before defined parameters, and run the interpretation techniques that are of interest for you.
#create interpreter
predictionInterpreter = PredictionInterpreterClass(dm.predict, listOfNumericalColumns, standardColumns, resultcolumn, _classes_, data, resultIsContinuous)
#call interpretation technique s you want to use:
predictionInterpreter.plotpdpOfDistanceToTrueResultSklearn() # only works if called without any prior methods
predictionInterpreter.printImportanceEli5(exceptedColumns = resultcolumn)
predictionInterpreter.featureAnnulation(annulationValue = "0")
predictionInterpreter.plotpdpOfDistanceToTrueResultPdpbox(featuresToExamine=["holidayYN", "ticketPrice"])
predictionInterpreter.plotpdpOfDistanceToTrueResultPdpbox(featureToExamine="ticketPrice", featuresToExamine=["holidayYN", "ticketPrice"])