5950 commits
to thewarwithin
since this release
v8.3.0-04-20 (2020-04-10)
- Havoc, Shadow, Outlaw: Update APLs.
- Babyproof the WeakAuras notification re: toggles, etc. (Some other addon appears to create a WeakAuras global table that isn't WeakAuras and doesn't include ScanEvents.)
- Protection Paladin: Update APL to include Worldvein.
- Fury: Add range value for Whirlwind and user toggle to exclude WW when out of range.
- Windwalker: Re-include Use Items (generic use-items) based on APL constructor in sc_monk.cpp
- Fire: Change Rune of Power preference to a toggle; allow Rune of Power when Combustion is ready (oops).
- Retribution: Wake of Ashes range-check should fail if you don't presently have a target.
- Retribution: Import 8.3 APL (parser never saw it).
- Retribution: Predict Crusade stack gains from Holy Power expenditures.
- Update action readiness when un/checking Enabled on action list entries.
- Fire: Don't hold RoP when Combustion is ready.
- BM: Clean up focus regen models related to BS dots. THANKS Putro.
- BM: Barbed Shot now stacks up to 8 (why not go up to 11)? Thanks Putro.
- Don't treat Rune of Power as a cooldown...
- Unholy: Don't recommend Outbreak if your target has Outbreak.
- And go ahead and apply Virulent Plague if your target has Outbreak but we updated before VP hit.
- Remove print/debug message.
- Increase responsiveness of updates related to projectile spell impacts.