5980 commits
to thewarwithin
since this release
v8.3.0-04-17-beta1 (2020-04-01)
- Tweak time_to_combustion timing helper.
- Marksman, Outlaw: Update APLs.
- Help Fire Mage APL with variable timing (work-in-progress).
- Marksman, Outlaw: Update APLs.
- Simplify incremental variable cache approach. Initialize a variable to 0 when starting to calculate.
- Fire: Update APL.
- Fire, WW, Rogues: Update APLs.
- Remove extra timecheck after pre-recommendation events.
- Estimate impact times based on maximum range rather than minimum or average.
- Try filtering projectile impacts only from the events forecast after a SPELL_DAMAGE combat event.
- Check support for "default" operation for variables.
- Avoid some unnecessary errors during LoadScripts.
- Avoid redundant variable calculation debug text in snapshots.
- Don't check variable.X in mt_state unless X exists.
- Revise last_trigger, last_expire to be usable vs. present time in combat.
- For variables that require multiple steps to calculate, cache the intermediary steps to prevent extreme CPU waste.
- Add correct NPC ID for Thing From Beyond (to filter it from target counts).
- Remove extra timecheck after pre-recommendation events.
- Allow for hardcoded spec variables (temporary bypass measure for inefficiency found with APL variables).
- Revise last_expire and last_trigger.
- Track more CPU usage data in snapshots.
- Capture more time-sensitive criteria for the rechecker.
- Allow for hardcoded spec variables (temporary bypass measure for inefficiency found with APL variables).
- Automatically convert 'exsanguinated.X' to 'debuff.X.exsanguinated'.
- Support buff.X.last_expire and buff.X.last_trigger for Fire Mage.
- Automatically convert 'exsanguinated.X' to 'debuff.X.exsanguinated'.
- WW: Add easier access toggle to disable Flying Serpent Kick (because FSK is annoying).