1290 commits
to thewarwithin
since this release
v11.0.0-0.9.1b (2024-07-28)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Assassination: Talents, auras, abilities, priority.
- Elemental, Enhancement: Buff Skyfury.
- Demo: Detect Charhound/Gloomhound as Vilefiend (#3413)
- Ret: Restore Check Wake Range setting.
- Prot Pal: Bastion of Glory does not reduce SotR's cost (#3411)
- Fix Radiant Glory's version of Avenging Wrath, Crusade (#3412)
- Fix Augmentation priority.
- Fix dispellable_x auras.
- Assassin: Kingsbane buff stacks to 50.
- Assassin: Talents, auras, abilities, priority.