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453 lines (252 loc) · 13.1 KB

File metadata and controls

453 lines (252 loc) · 13.1 KB

English description | Описание на русском


All builder configuration is in one file — tars-config.js at the root of the project.

You need to restart the assembly to apply changes.

Variable options


Type: Array or Boolean

Default: ['> 1%', 'last 2 versions', 'Firefox ESR', 'android 4']

Configuration for autoprefixer (read more here). In short, this module allows you not to write vendor prefixes. In this configuration you do not need to include IE8 and IE9, style assembly is done by another way for them . You can look here which browsers are available. If you do not want to use autoprefixer, pass in this option false value.


Type: Array

Default: []


postcss: [
            name: 'postcss-short',
            options: {
                deny: ['text']
        }, {
            name: 'postcss-size',
            options: {}

You can set all used postprocessors. Do not forget to install them.


Type: Object

Config for working with SVG in TARS.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Activate svg-processing.


Type: String

Default: sprite

Available workflows of working with SVG in TARS. You can use SVG-sprite sprite and SVG-symbols symbols.

Build for IE8 won't be created then "symbols" is used


Type: Object

Config for working with SVG then "symbols" workflow is selected.


Type: String

Default: inject

This option set type of svg-symbols loading workflow.

You can set:

  • inject into the page code — inject;
  • just separate file — separate-file;
  • separate file with link from each use to that file — separate-file-with-link.

Type: Boolean

Default: true

SVG-symbols loading from separate file is supported in all modern browsers natively except IE9 - Edge. You have to use polyfill for them. If you do not support IE, you can set false to this option.


Type: String

Default: ''

You can set a path to file with svg-symbols. File will be created in that directory, which was set in option. It will be created in the root of your build by default.

Possible value: static/images/.


Type: Object

Config for JavaScript processing in TARS.


Type: String

Default: concat

Type of JavaScript-code processing.

You can set:

  • concat — concatenation of all JavaScript-files into one budle in specific order;
  • modular — using bundler, which will resolve all dependencies between JavaScript-files.


Type: String

Default: webpack

You can specify bundler, if modular workflow is selected. You can choose only webpack at that moment.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Error checking in JavaScript-code and code-style (option for eslint are in the root, in .eslintrc file. Full list of available options can be found here). Also, you can manually switch off linting of files and folders by using .eslintignore in the root of your project.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

This option allow to use Babel for ES6(ES7) syntax support. Config for Babel is in project root, in .babelrc. See the babel options, except for sourcemaps and filename which is handled for you by default.


Type: Object

You can switch on/off additional cool features for webpack.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Switch on/off Hot module replacement.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Removing console.log and alert from js-files in the build. It's an option, because sometimes it is necessary to retain console.log in the ready build.

jsPathsToConcatBeforeModulesJs and jsPathsToConcatAfterModulesJs

Type: Array of Strings

Default: []

This option makes sense in case of using concat workflow. In that case all JavaScript-code of the project is built into one file except JavaScript-files, which are located in a separate-js directory. If you want to include files into the build from other locations (for example, you create another folder for JavaScript-files), you can register in this option path or array of paths (patterns paths, such as 'controllers/**/*.js') to JavaScript-files, which must be connected into the build before modules' JavaScript-files (jsPathsToConcatBeforeModulesJs) and JavaScript-files, which must be connected after modules' JavaScript-files (jsPathsToConcatAfterModulesJs).

It will be useful for when building a site on JavaScript-framework, with any its entities (controller, router, etc.). You do not need to go into tasks, just create a separate directory and specify for which files you want to watch.

Also you can disable eslint for these files (lintJsCodeBeforeModules and lintJsCodeAfterModules options).


Type: Object


sourcemaps: {
    js: {
        active: true,
        inline: true
    css: {
        active: true,
        inline: true

Config for sourcemaps. Sourcemaps for JavaScript and CSS work only in dev mode. active {Boolean}: to use sourcemap or not. inline {Boolean}: to use sourcemap inlined into source-file or to use separate file.


Config for notifications module.

When project files are changed there will be given a system notifications, which will indicate which file is changed and what task is executed.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Enabling of notification. You can disable notifications by using environment variables:

export NODE_ENV=production;

Environment variables will overwrite useNotify value from tars-config.js


Type: String

Default: 'TARS notification'

Each notification has a title. If you want to see another title, you should change this option.


Sounds during the notifications.


Type: String, undefined

Default: undefined

In this option the name of the system sound is passed which will be played during the notification in case of successful build. If you don't need the sounds, you can set it with undefined value.


Type: String, undefined

Default: undefined

In this option the name of the system sound is passed which will be played during the notification in case of failed build. If you don't need the sounds, you can set it with undefined value.


Config for the Browsersync module. This module implements the possibility livereload in browser, sharing the markup to an external web, creating a local server.


Type: String

Default: './dev'

The directory from which the server will take html-files. The html-file specified in startUrl should be there.


Type: Number

Default: 3004

Port on which markup will be available when you turn on local server. If the specified port is in use, it will automatically take the next free. You can set port via env var BROWSERSYNC_PORT. This var will override port from config.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Opening the browser when you turn on livereload or sharing markup to an external Web.


Type: String or Array

Default: google chrome

The name of the browser, which will be opened when you turn on livereload or sharing markup to an external Web. You can also specify an array of values to open several browsers. Available browsers: safari, internet explorer, google chrome, firefox, opera.


Type: String

Default: '/index.html'

You can set name of the page which you want to load the first using livereload or markup sharing to an external Web. The path is specified from dev folder.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

By default, the browser displays a notification that the browser has been restarted, JavaScript or CSS has been updated, etc.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Inject CSS while livereload or just reload page.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Enabling minifications for HTML. If is set to false, compiled html will be prettified.


Type: String

Default: static/

It is a custom path to the static. This option is used if the markup is given in the introduction in the backend. This option allows you to set the path to the static's files, if during the implementation path must be different. That the backend developer didn't manually change path in the css- and html- files, you can write the necessary prefix to this option.

The value of this option sets the value of the placeholder %=static=% or __static__, which can be used in any project files.

%=staticPrefix=% prefix works, but this prefix is depricated! Use just %=static=% or __static__!


Type: String

Default: './builds/'

You can set a string with relative or absolute path to the folder where the project should be built. If you are using useBuildVersioning (use versioning of builds), each new build will be created in a separate folder with a name - the build version, and each folder will be created at the path specified in buildPath.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Use build versioning. The name of the version consists of the build name + date of creation (accurate to second).


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Creating the archive of the build. The archive is created in the folder with the build. If package.json given the project name, the archive will be called by that name, otherwise it will 'build' by default. There will also be added to date creation build (accurate to second).


Type: Number

Default: 4096

By default, the number of simultaneously open files in the operating system (unixbased) is limited. Since the TARS working on Gulp, then the number of simultaneously open files may be large. To avoid problems with that, you can set ulimit. If the project uses the large number of files and some of them do not fall into the final assembly, then you can just increase this option.

Partially modifiable options

These options can be changed before the command init only, because they don't influence to any command, besides useImagesForDisplayWithDpi. More info below.


Type: String

Default: handlebars

Used template is specified in this option. Jade and Handlebars are available. The name of the template is sent in the option with a small letter.

If you want to write in plain HTML, retain the option unchanged.


Type: String

Default: scss

Used css-preprocessor is specified in this option. Scss, Less or Stylus are available. The name of the css-preprocessor is sent in the option with a lowercase letters.


Type: Array

Default: [96]

The pixel density of different screens, which will be supported by your project. Supported values are:

  • 96 - 1 dppx (usuall screen)
  • 192 - 2 dppx (retina)
  • 288 - 3 dppx (for example, nexus 5)
  • 384 - 4 dppx (for example, nexus 6)

On the basis of this option, a folder for png-images of different sizes for different screens is created. Read more in images processing docs.

This option can be changed at any time, but there are a couple of important points. If this option is changed after gulp|tars init, it is necessary to create (or delete) directory in the 'static/img/sprite/' folder by hands. The format of the folder name - option value + dpi. For example, 192dpi.


Options to name the main folders with static. If you change the option from the block before the command gulp|tars init or gulp|tars re-init, then nothing more not necessary to do. If this option is changed after gulp|tars init or gulp|tars re-init, it is necessary to rename the appropriate directories by hands.


Type: String

Default: 'static'

The name of the folder where statics of the the project will be. If you are developing a project locally, it is necessary that the value of this option matches with the value of staticPrefix option.


Type: String

Default: 'img'

The name of the folder where images of the the project will be. Most often this folder has different names, so the name of this directory is optional.



Option is depricated! Use

Type: Boolean

Default: true

Enabling svg-image support.


Option is depricated! Value is set in tars/tars.js

Type: String

Default: ../imageFolderName/

Custom path to the folder with the statics of the css-files. imageFolderName is taken from the imagesFolderName option.


Option has been renamed to lint and moved to js-config object.