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Releases: Harwesta/GTW360-router

Openwrt 23.05.05 with LTE modem support

03 Dec 07:00
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How to install.

  1. Format USB flash disk with FAT32 MBR type, copy rescue image file "fitImage-rescue-gtw360" to root partition.

  2. Unzip two attached .zip file and copy .img file to USB disk.

  3. Insert disk and power up device.

  4. Wait to boot up and connect to SSH console (without password):
    ssh [email protected]

  5. Mount USB flash disk (check for correct device name):
    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/

  6. Restore eMMC partition with two stages:

dd if=/mnt/gtw360-YYYY-MM-DD_1.img of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1M conv=fsync
dd if=/mnt/gtw360-YYYY-MM-DD_2.img of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1M seek=3728 conv=fsync
  1. Unmount disk, remove them.
    umount /dev/sda1

  2. Power off device, power up and waiting to boot up.

Connect to WiFi access point SSID="GTW360", password="1234567890", login to web console
user=root, password is empty.
Login to Homed web console
user=homed, password=homed
Login to V2Raya web console:
user=root, password=1234567890

If you installed the modem and made a modification to reset it - be sure to configure Watchcat to your modem interface name!
By default the interface name is wwan0, if it is different - correct it in the settings.

See the list of installed packages in the file opkg-list-installed.txt

Enjoy :)