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Simple Tracking Example

Yuri Pourre edited this page Oct 5, 2019 · 3 revisions


This example shows how to use keel to track objects by color.


*This example only works in Linux.


We will use the ColorFilter to track objects by color.

First we create an Application Class as always

public class SimpleCam extends Application{

    public SimpleCam(int w, int h) {
        super(w, h);


Now, we declare the objects

    //The Camera object (a wrap to v4l4j)
    private Camera cam;

    //The filter itself
    private ColorFilter colorFilter;
    //This BufferedLayer is needed to flip (horizontally) our Camera image
    private BufferedLayer mirror;
    //This is used in filter method to tell filter to search in the whole screen
    private Component screen = new Component(w, h);

    //This is our tracking point
    private Point2D point;

At load() method we initialize our objects (the loadingPhrase says what is happening)

    public void load() {
        loadingPhrase = "Opening Camera";
        cam = new CameraV4L4J(0);

        loadingPhrase = "Setting Filter";

        colorFilter = new ColorFilter();

        mirror = new BufferedLayer(0, 0);
        loading = 100;

In the update method we set the camera image in mirror and flip filter the image

    public void update(long now){
        //Get the Camera image

        //Normally the camera shows the image flipped, but we want to see something like a mirror
        //So we flip the image

        //Now we search for the first pixel with the desired color in the whole screen
        point = colorFilter.filterFirst(mirror.getModifiedBuffer(), screen);

Now we draw the Application

    public void draw(Graphic g) {

        //Draw the mirror image
        //Set a Color to our Point
        //Draw our tracking point with radius = 10 pixels
        g.fillCircle((int)point.getX(), (int)point.getY(), 10);


In updateMouse method, we set the color we want to track!

    public GUIEvent updateMouse(PointerEvent event) {
            //When mouse clicks with LeftButton, the color filter tries to find
            //The color we are clicking
            colorFilter.setColor(mirror.getModifiedBuffer().getRGB((int)event.getX(), (int)event.getY()));
        return GUIEvent.NONE;

Full Source Code

public class SimpleCam extends Application{

	public SimpleCam(int w, int h) {
		super(w, h);

	private Camera cam;
	private ColorFilter colorFilter;
	private BufferedLayer mirror;
	private Component screen = new Component(w, h);
	private Point2D point;

	public void load() {
		loadingPhrase = "Opening Camera";
		cam = new CameraV4L4J(0);
		loadingPhrase = "Setting Filter";
		colorFilter = new ColorFilter();
		mirror = new BufferedLayer(0, 0);
		loading = 100;
	public void update(long now){
		point = colorFilter.filterFirst(mirror.getModifiedBuffer(), screen);

	public void draw(Graphic g) {

		g.fillCircle((int)point.getX(), (int)point.getY(), 10);
	public GUIEvent updateMouse(PointerEvent event) {
			colorFilter.setColor(mirror.getModifiedBuffer().getRGB((int)event.getX(), (int)event.getY()));
		return GUIEvent.NONE;

	public GUIEvent updateKeyboard(KeyEvent event) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return GUIEvent.NONE;

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