Terraform module to deploy an Apache Airflow cluster on AWS, backed by RDS PostgreSQL for metadata, S3 for logs and SQS as message broker with CeleryExecutor
Terraform version | Tag |
<= 0.11 | v0.7.x |
>= 0.12 | >= v0.8.x |
You can use this module from the Terraform Registry
module "airflow-cluster" {
source = "powerdatahub/airflow/aws"
key_name = "airflow-key"
cluster_name = "my-airflow"
cluster_stage = "prod" # Default is 'dev'
db_password = "your-rds-master-password"
fernet_key = "your-fernet-key" # see https://airflow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/howto/secure-connections.html
vpc_id = "some-vpc-id" # Use default if not provided
custom_requirements = "path/to/custom/requirements.txt" # See examples/custom_requirements for more details
custom_env = "path/to/custom/env" # See examples/custom_env for more details
ingress_cidr_blocks = [""] # List of IPv4 CIDR ranges to use on all ingress rules
ingress_with_cidr_blocks = [ # List of computed ingress rules to create where 'cidr_blocks' is used
description = "List of computed ingress rules for Airflow webserver"
from_port = 8080
to_port = 8080
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = ""
description = "List of computed ingress rules for Airflow flower"
from_port = 5555
to_port = 5555
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = ""
tags = {
FirstKey = "first-value" # Additional tags to use on resources
SecondKey = "second-value"
load_example_dags = false
load_default_conns = false
rbac = true # See examples/rbac for more details
admin_name = "John" # Only if rbac is true
admin_lastname = "Doe" # Only if rbac is true
admin_email = "[email protected]" # Only if rbac is true
admin_username = "admin" # Only if rbac is true
admin_password = "supersecretpassword" # Only if rbac is true
The Airflow service runs under systemd, so logs are available through journalctl.
$ journalctl -u airflow -n 50
- Run airflow as systemd service
- Provide a way to pass a custom requirements.txt files on provision step
- Provide a way to pass a custom packages.txt files on provision step
- Support for Google OAUTH
- Flower
- Secure Flower install
- Provide a way to inject environment variables into airflow
- Split services into multiples files
- Auto Scalling for workers
- Use SPOT instances for workers
- Maybe use the AWS Fargate to reduce costs
Special thanks to villasv/aws-airflow-stack, an incredible project, for the inspiration.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
admin_email | Admin email. Only If RBAC is enabled, this user will be created in the first run only. | string | "[email protected]" |
no |
admin_lastname | Admin lastname. Only If RBAC is enabled, this user will be created in the first run only. | string | "Doe" |
no |
admin_name | Admin name. Only If RBAC is enabled, this user will be created in the first run only. | string | "John" |
no |
admin_password | Admin password. Only If RBAC is enabled. | string | "false" |
no |
admin_username | Admin username used to authenticate. Only If RBAC is enabled, this user will be created in the first run only. | string | "admin" |
no |
ami | Default is Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type. |
string | "ami-0a313d6098716f372" |
no |
aws_region | AWS Region | string | "us-east-1" |
no |
azs | Run the EC2 Instances in these Availability Zones | map | { "1": "us-east-1a", "2": "us-east-1b", "3": "us-east-1c", "4": "us-east-1d" } |
no |
cluster_name | The name of the Airflow cluster (e.g. airflow-xyz). This variable is used to namespace all resources created by this module. | string | n/a | yes |
cluster_stage | The stage of the Airflow cluster (e.g. prod). | string | "dev" |
no |
custom_env | Path to custom airflow environments variables. | string | "" |
no |
custom_requirements | Path to custom requirements.txt. | string | "" |
no |
db_allocated_storage | Dabatase disk size. | string | "20" |
no |
db_dbname | PostgreSQL database name. | string | "airflow" |
no |
db_instance_type | Instance type for PostgreSQL database | string | "db.t2.micro" |
no |
db_password | PostgreSQL password. | string | n/a | yes |
db_subnet_group_name | db subnet group, if assigned, db will create in that subnet, default create in default vpc | string | "" |
no |
db_username | PostgreSQL username. | string | "airflow" |
no |
fernet_key | Key for encrypting data in the database - see Airflow docs. | string | n/a | yes |
ingress_cidr_blocks | List of IPv4 CIDR ranges to use on all ingress rules | list | [ "" ] |
no |
ingress_with_cidr_blocks | List of computed ingress rules to create where 'cidr_blocks' is used | list | [ { "cidr_blocks": "", "description": "Airflow webserver", "from_port": 8080, "protocol": "tcp", "to_port": 8080 }, { "cidr_blocks": "", "description": "Airflow flower", "from_port": 5555, "protocol": "tcp", "to_port": 5555 } ] |
no |
instance_subnet_id | subnet id used for ec2 instances running airflow, if not defined, vpc's first element in subnetlist will be used | string | "" |
no |
key_name | AWS KeyPair name. | string | n/a | yes |
load_default_conns | Load the default connections initialized by Airflow. Most consider these unnecessary, which is why the default is to not load them. | string | "false" |
no |
load_example_dags | Load the example DAGs distributed with Airflow. Useful if deploying a stack for demonstrating a few topologies, operators and scheduling strategies. | string | "false" |
no |
private_key_path | Enter the path to the SSH Private Key to run provisioner. | string | "~/.ssh/id_rsa" |
no |
public_key_path | Enter the path to the SSH Public Key to add to AWS. | string | "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" |
no |
rbac | Enable support for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). | string | "false" |
no |
root_volume_delete_on_termination | Whether the volume should be destroyed on instance termination. | string | "true" |
no |
root_volume_ebs_optimized | If true, the launched EC2 instance will be EBS-optimized. | string | "false" |
no |
root_volume_size | The size, in GB, of the root EBS volume. | string | "35" |
no |
root_volume_type | The type of volume. Must be one of: standard, gp2, or io1. | string | "standard" |
no |
s3_bucket_name | S3 Bucket to save airflow logs. | string | "" |
no |
scheduler_instance_type | Instance type for the Airflow Scheduler. | string | "t3.micro" |
no |
spot_price | The maximum hourly price to pay for EC2 Spot Instances. | string | "" |
no |
tags | Additional tags used into terraform-terraform-labels module. | map | {} |
no |
vpc_id | The ID of the VPC in which the nodes will be deployed. Uses default VPC if not supplied. | string | "" |
no |
webserver_instance_type | Instance type for the Airflow Webserver. | string | "t3.micro" |
no |
webserver_port | The port Airflow webserver will be listening. Ports below 1024 can be opened only with root privileges and the airflow process does not run as such. | string | "8080" |
no |
worker_instance_count | Number of worker instances to create. | string | "1" |
no |
worker_instance_type | Instance type for the Celery Worker. | string | "t3.small" |
no |
Name | Description |
database_endpoint | Endpoint to connect to RDS metadata DB |
database_username | Username to connect to RDS metadata DB |
this_cluster_security_group_id | The ID of the security group |
this_database_security_group_id | The ID of the security group |
webserver_admin_url | Url for the Airflow Webserver Admin |
webserver_public_ip | Public IP address for the Airflow Webserver instance |