This library is used to get data of PS3 from esp32 through SPI communication.
Include zip file of library ,then first open esp32_SPI_PS3 from examples then install PS3 Controller library from then enter the mac address in #define macAddress “your PS3 mac address”,then upload the code to esp32.
Then create a new sketch and include this library then create a object of PS3 then use the library function acc to your use.
begin(): This function will begin SPI communication.begin() is mandatory to call in void setup.
getButtonPress(BUTTON_NAME) : This function will return the state of the button whose name is passed in argument . If button is pressed it will return 1 else 0. Data type bool.
getButtonClick(BUTTON_NAME) : This function will return 1 when state of the button passed in argument changed from 0 to 1. Data type bool.
getButtonRelease(BUTTON_NAME): This function will return 1 when state of the button passed in argument changed from 1 to 0.Data type bool.
getAnalogHat(AXIS_NAME) : This function will return the value of joystick axis passed in argument .Data type int .Range of value is -128 to 127.
printAnalogHat() : This function will serial print the value of joystick.
printButton() : This function will serial print the name of button you will press.
Note – printAnalogHat() and printButton() will only work if Serial.begin() is called in void setup.
Note – BUTTON and AXIS names are as shown in figure, names are case sensitive.