An application that we can instant message.
- Messaging
- Send and Receive messages with users
- Send pictures
- is he writing? you can see this
- is it online? you can see.
- Latest Messaging
- List with your Latest Messages
- Profile
- Update your Profile Picture
- Update your Status
- Update your User Name
- Notifications
- Notification when you have a new message
- Friend Detail
- You can see your friend's details during a conversation
- Local database
- see messages while offline
- see your friends list while offline
Latest Messages | Chat Screen |
- MVVM pattern
- Firebase authentication
- Firebase storage
- Firebase messaging service
- Activity, Fragment
- Retrofit
- Room(Database, Data Access Object, Entities)
- LiveData
- Interprocess communication(Activity ->Fragment, Fragment ->Activity)
- ViewModel test
- DataBinding
- ViewBinding
- Backend Service
- Coroutines
- Picasso
- zoomage