A bunch of rules that all team members try to follow in team projects. The first project is: https://github.com/HakuTeam/AlphaBomberman @HakuTeam/csharpadvanced - feel free to add or discuss rules!
- I do my best to finish tasks on time.
- If I do not have time, this is not a problem - I write a message to the team as soon as possible. If someone else is free he/she can take the task.
- If I have a problem I ask the others for help as soon as possible.
- If someone needs help I help as soon as possible.
- If there is a problem I do not blame - I try to suggest a solution.
- If I have time and want to work, I ask team members for a new task or I take a task from the list Back Log here: https://github.com/HakuTeam/AlphaBomberman/projects/1
- If I do not agree with something, I tell explain my concerns to other members as soon as possible
- Commit working code as soon as possible;
- Try to make all style corrections and refactoring in a separate comit. For example improvements by ReSharper ot StyleCop go to a separate comit as they do not change functionality;
- To do: List work process rules and links to related documents