Course Project of CPE810----Special Topics in Computer Engineering: GPU and Multicore Programming
/psalgo -- A python module to test and tune the plane sweep algorithm.
/cuda -- CUDA version plane sweep algorithm
/data -- Images and parameters of fountain-P11
/report -- Final presentation and final report
/test -- Low resolution of original images, used for python testing
main.ipynb -- Python API example
output.png -- CUDA kernel output
pkg.txt -- Python packages used
groundTruth.png -- Calculated ground truth using ply file with python.
The groundTruth.png generated may have some error in it. The error is that not all the pixels are showing the correct color of object. The reason is that I calculated the depth image using the vertexes in ply file instead of faces. This may cause a problem that not all the pixel points on the image will get a projection from a vertex in the point cloud. So the pixels with no projection will show the background color. And that's why the depth map I generated is not accurate. There are several ways to solve this problem. One is continue using vertex projection, but do a KNN vote on the pixel that didn't have a projection. One is using faces instead of vertexes in the ply file to calculate the depth.