A functional (un)conference for all, from beginners to experts. This repository is to collaborate on (self-)organizing "a sort of" unconference (TO BE CONFIRMED).
It would be inspired by the SoCraTes format, but potentially it could also mix different formats : open space and pre-organized talks/lightning talks/workshops ?
The subject would be around (more or less stricly) functional stuff, probably around languages (F#, Haskell, Scala, Elixir, ELM...), or restricted to a language ?
The proposition would be to do it in the French contryside, not so far from airports/train, in a great place, with great food (and wine), for several days (let's say 3 to 4). It would be rather intimate than crowded, with let's say around 60-100 places ?
Some discussion to refine the concept on twitter, gitter, slack...