Git information leakage monitoring
See Developer API docs (
before using, you need to set the MySQL user name and address. To use the data migration tool, you need to set the alembic.ini
configuration file.
You can use environment variables or .env
configuration file. For more information, refer to the app.core.config
Python configuration file
git clone && cd info-leak-monitor-api && sudo docker-compose up -d
using docker-compose
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d
import database table structure.
mysql -u root -p info-leak-monitor < init-db.sql
or use alembic tools initialization database.
docker exec -it info-leak-monitor-api /bin/bash
#> alembic revision --autogenerate -m "init" && alembic upgrade head
use init-db.sql
file initialization database.
- user
- password
if you use alembic tools initialization database. need using API
add users. see API docs (
- Docker
- Docker Compose
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