The general idea is to be able to monitor your computer from your mobile while being away from it for example in a public place or even at home regardless of being on the same network or not. Besides viewing a capture of the desktop, you would receive other information such as battery level and temperatures and you could take urgent actions such as shutting down the computer when needed.
- Lightweight software on mobile and desktop
- Captures the desktop screen every n seconds, compresses it then uploads and broadcasts it to all connected devices
- Captures network throughput, CPU and GPU temperatures and the battery level of the computer
- Ability to change :
- Upload interval in seconds (60 seconds by default)
- Urgent action timer in seconds (60 seconds by default)
- Urgent action type (shutdown by default)
- Realtime changes and updates, any settings changed from the desktop or the mobile application would take effect as soon as possible
- Supports only windows and android for the moment
- NodeJs for the backend
- Flutter for the frontend
- Supabase as cloud storage