Lucy is an interpreted programming language based on Assembly x86.
Note: Lucy is still in development and not every instruction is implemented yet.
You can find some working examples here
; It supports comments!
mov rax, "Hello, Grace :)"
dmp rax
; >>> "Hello, Grace :)"
jmp main
dmp "This line will be skippped"
mov rdi, 0
mov rbx, 1000
cmp rdi, rbx
add rdi, 1
dmp rdi
jne _loop
; >>> 1
; >>> 2
; >>> [...]
; >>> 999
; >>> 1000
mov rax, "Hello, world"
mov rcx, 0xC0FFEE
mov rdx, 0b110000001111111111101110
cmp rax, "Goodbye, world"
je string_equality_true
jne string_equality_false
:_ret_string_equality ; the ret operator isn't supported yet
cmp rcx, rdx
je int64_equality_true
jne int64_equality_false
dmp "Strings are equal!"
jmp _ret_string_equality
dmp "Strings are different!"
jmp _ret_string_equality
dmp "Int64 are equal :)"
jmp end
dmp "Int64 are different :("
jmp end
dmp "Bye!"
; >>> Strings are different!
; >>> Int64 are equal :)
; >>> Bye!