Documentation for how to use IPS-framework with this IPS-portal can be found at
Setup environment with python venv and install IPS-portal:
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python -m pip install -e ".[dev]"
If that fails with ERROR: File "" not found.
try upgrading pip first:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
To run the application in debug mode
export FLASK_APP=ipsportal
export FLASK_DEBUG=True
# start IPS portal
flask run
Go to http://localhost:5000
- Mongo (stores IPS events and all metadata)
docker run --rm -p 27017:27017 -v /tmp/db:/data/db mongo:6
- MinIO (stores raw data, has a web GUI on port 9001, use variables below as credentials)
docker run --rm -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 -e MINIO_ROOT_USER=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE -e MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY bitnami/minio:2024.6.4
docker run --rm -p 9411:9411 -p 16686:16686 --env COLLECTOR_ZIPKIN_HOST_PORT=9411 --env QUERY_BASE_PATH=/jaeger jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.38
docker run --rm --network host -p 8081:8081 -e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER=localhost mongo-express
then go to http://localhost:8081
docker-compose up --build
Go to http://localhost