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HSKJ is a React Native application.


Made with react native. It's just a showcase project which I created to learn react native. 

As I didn't use any theme library so excuse my styling (I'm bad at it).

Tried to optimise the app to the extent of my knowledge and used good coding practices.


Upstreamed to v0.63 from v0.61.5

Dynamic Theme -> The theme will change according to your current device theme (Dark or ligh). Can also be changed manually.

Applock with PIN and Fingerprint support.

Custom video player.

Can also download the videos which will be automatically saved according to the cateogrory 
eg. Downloads/HKSJ/<catregory-name>/<video-name>

Google ADMOB and Analytics (Terrestial / Banner Ad)

Uses the new Recycler List View instead of Flatlsit as it is better perfomance with large data sets.

Works on iOS too (Not 100% as I don't have access to my Hackinstosh now to test further).

Seperate backend for searching and indexing videos. 


Use the release tab here choose your cpu arch (64/32 bit) to install HSKJ.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



Demo Video

link to Demo Vieo


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