Welcome to the MEPS-HC Webinar Series repository, brought to you by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
This 3-day webinar series covers an applied example of how to link the MEPS-HC Medical Conditions and Prescribed Medicines public use data files. The example will cover loading and merging MEPS data sets, and using survey procedures for analyzing hyperlipidemia treatment and expenditures in the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population for 2021. Basic familiarity with MEPS-HC is beneficial.
This repository contains the following items:
- Summer-Webinar-Slides-2024-508c.pdf: Introductory slides
- SAS (June 4, 2024): Agenda and code for SAS session
- R (June 5, 2024): Agenda and code for R session
- Stata (June 6, 2024): Agenda and code for Stata session
Each programming language folder (SAS, R, Stata) contains shell files and completed codes. The shell files feature basic comments and a few lines of starter code, serving as the initial framework for the sessions. During the webinars, participants will use these shell files as a starting point, progressively building up their program in real-time. Alongside these, the fully-written files are provided, containing the complete code solutions that are the end goal of the live programming sessions.
MEPS Data Users Workshops are held twice a year (in spring and fall). Additional webinars are provided throughout the year on an ad hoc basis. Presentation slides and programming exercises from the most recent Data Users Workshops are available in the MEPS-workshop repository.
For more information about upcoming MEPS events, please visit the MEPS website or contact Anita Soni at [email protected].
More information about the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) and additional coding information and exercises can be found in the MEPS repository.