Team Ribit 🐸: Hakim Lahlou, Jason Lin, Adam Weider, Kailin Wu
Coming from similar backgrounds in game design, our team hopes to produce a game using our knowledge of robotics algorithms. Our current idea is most similar to a survival game: the player operates one TurtleBot in a dark maze while another "monster" bot tries to approach the player. The monster knows the maze and the player's position at any time. A creature of the dark, this monster cannot stay in the glow of the player's flashlight; thus, the monster bot has to be smart in planning its path to the player.
The main components of our project are A* Search and Sensory Controls, a combination we've formulated as LASER: the Light A* Search Evasion Routine. The A* Search finds the best path from the monster to the player. The robot uses its Sensory Controls to traverse the maze, center itself in the maze hallways, avoid wall collisions, make smooth turns, and detect light. If the monster runs into the player's light, the A* Search takes this into account and recalculates the new best path to sneak up behind the player.
Clone this repository.
$ git clone $ cd robotics_final_project
, which this project uses for local package management.$ pip3 install pipenv
Install the packages used by this project (specified in
).$ pipenv install
from yourcatkin_ws/src
directory.$ cd ~/catkin_ws $ catkin_make
Run our
file, which must be run from outside the virtual environment.$ roslaunch robotics_final_project setup.launch
Open a new terminal, return to the project directory, launch a shell in the virtual environment containing the installed packages, and run our teleop controller.
$ cd src/robotics_final_project $ pipenv shell $ rosrun robotics_final_project
Unpause time in Gazebo.
Open a new terminal, launch a shell in the virtual environment again, and run our
file to begin the autonomous bot’s algorithm.# pipenv shell $ roslaunch robotics_final_project run.launch
You can teleop the player robot and observe the monster robot's behavior.
A looping track for tuning movement controls, and a maze for testing path-finding and light evasion.
We currently have two worlds for testing: turtlebot3_loop
which provides a simple looping track for tuning movement controls, and
, which contains an intricate
maze for testing path-finding and light evasion as involved in our project
idea. The maps contained in the above files were made in Blender, the looping
track manually, and the maze using an
open-source plugin for maze creation.
Our project hinges on dynamic lighting as detected by the robot. While Gazebo simulates shadows for directional lights (e.g. the sun), it unfortunately does not do so for spotlights and point lights. Such a revelation led to a very abrupt introduction into Gazebo plugins and the associated C++ API; after a fair amount of trial and error, we were able to write our own plugin for producing spotlight shadows, the results of which are demonstrated in the latter of the above GIFs.
While the creation of our plugin seemed like the end to our issues, we later discovered that we were only spawning the custom spotlight within Gazebo's client application. On the server side responsible for simulating robot sensor measurements, the light was not present, and thus it did not appear in the robot's image feed. Opting to use a placeholder for lights, we put this task aside in order to focus on sensory controls and the robot implementation itself.
In our final implementation, we were unable to incorporate this lighting mechanism and ended up using emissive spheres as a simple replacement.
Since we originally thought that the A* algorithm would take a nontrivial amount of time to compute a path to the destination, we broke up our code into two nodes: path navigation using sensory controls and the A* algorithm. A message passing interface is necessary for the navigation node to request a path to follow and for the A* node to send that path back to the navigation node.
Code locations and descriptions
Our maze map is spatially indexed into a 13x13 grid of cells, each of which we can reference using row and column identifiers. We internally use the bot's current cell in all of our path-related algorithms to simplify our map space and lower the amount of computation necessary.
Code locations and descriptions
A path is defined as a list of adjacent cells in the map. The A* algorithm will calculate the shortest path (fewest number of cells traversed) from a starting cell to a destination cell.
Code locations and descriptions
Our navigation module has no map knowledge and can only determine its current cell, its destination cell, and cells that are obstructed due to light. When the robot is first initialized or needs to recompute a path, it sends a path request to our A* node containing the above information, then waits to receive a calculated path to follow.
A* search is implemented in scripts/
(Note: we describe the grid squares as "cells" in this document, but they may be referred to as "nodes" in the code; these terms can be used interchangeably.)
We initialize every grid square of the map as a Cell()
, which has the following attributes. This information is stored in cell_details
and is updated as the A* search is performed.
: row index -
: column index -
: parent row index: -
: parent column index -
: equal tog + h
; the algorithm processes the cell with the lowest f -
: number of cells traversed to get from the starting cell to this cell -
: estimated distance from this cell to the goal cell (the Manhattan distance between this cell and the goal)
The function find_path
finds the shortest path from starting_position
(monster's robot current cell) and goal
(player's current cell). open_list
and closed_list
are initialized as empty arrays; then, starting_position
is appended to open_list
While the open_list
is not empty, set q
equal to cell with the smallest value of f
in the open_list
has an array of foursuccessors
in the order of north, east, south, and west. Each successor is initialized as-1
. -
checks if the robot can go north fromq
. The cell at[2][2]
in the grid image has a successor to its north and its east, as indicated by the blue arrows. If the robot is not blocked by a wall, create a temporary cell equal to theCell
north of ofq
, and setq
as its parent. Calculate the temporary cell's value ofg
, andf
. Lastly, if this temporary cell is not blocked by light, we set the north successor of this cell equal totemp_cell
. We determine this by looking at the provided values inblocked_by_light
and seeing if it any of the entries within the list match the currently observed cell. Otherwise, the successor remains equal to-1
. -
Repeat this process for the other directions with the functions
, andcheck_west
. -
For every valid successor:
If the successor is equal to
, stop the search. -
If the successor has a lower value of
than the currentf
of the equivalent cell incell_details
, add the successor toopen_list
and update the cell incell_details
with the parameters of the successor. -
to the closed list
When the search is completed, the function trace_path
creates a list of best cells by starting at the goal
cell in cell_details
and tracing back through the parents until it reaches starting_position
. Then, it publishes the path as a Path.msg
The sensory controls for LASER consist of the following two components.
Movement controls are responsible for keeping the bot on course in the current environment. Within the above two tracks, this entails having the bot stay centered between the two walls of the pathway, and performing turns when the path changes directions. The controls aim to perform these tasks while still allowing the bot to move decently quickly (in the above demonstrations, TurtleBot3 moves at 0.6 m/s). In our current implementation, the bot uses odometry to follow a path calculated by the A* algorithm to reach a destination. This is a complete reworking of our previous attempt at sensory control using laser scans; the robot now has no knowledge of the walls around it, meaning that we also have to center our robot in the middle of each cell upon beginning path navigation.
Code locations and descriptions
Proportional control: Lines 221–251 of
update(msg, model)
Use odometry offsets to calculate a proportional control angular velocity (
) for the bot to face the next cell on the path it is following. Once the bot enters the cell it is trying to navigate to, begin angling it toward the next cell on the path. -
Reorientation (
): Lines 274–323 ofupdate(msg, model)
When the bot recomputes a path to the destination that goes in a different direction from the previous one, stop moving forward and turn to face the center of the cell.
When the bot is facing the center of its current cell, move forward to reach the center.
When the bot is in the center of its current cell, turn to face the next cell.
If the bot is facing the next cell, switch to the
state for moving to it. -
Driving forward (
): Lines 325–364 ofupdate(msg. model)
If the bot's current heading is way off course, switch to the
to reorient it before continuing to follow the path.If the bot's heading is roughly in the same direction the next cell in the path is, calculate an additional positional error (
, difference in distances from the bot to left and right walls). Aggregate this witherr_ang
into a single error value, compute angular velocity, and turn with such to correct orientation while moving forward.If the direction is left or right, switch to the
state for performing a turn in said direction. -
Performing turns (
): Lines 291-296 ofupdate(msg, model)
If the bot is roughly facing the direction it is turning toward, switch to the
state because the turn is over. Otherwise, useerr_ang
to angle the bot to face the desired turn direction while preserving linear velocity.
Due to aforementioned difficulty with Gazebo, we are currently using emissive spheres as substitutes for spotlights. While appearing bright, these do not cast light on other objects. Although a simpler task, the current setup provides a good environment for unit testing the evasion of visible light sources. This evasion is demonstrated, along with movement controls, in the second recording: TurtleBot navigates the maze, quickly turning and retreating upon encountering two glowing spheres. For demonstration purposes, a cube has been placed to obstruct one of the pathways such that TurtleBot can only move back and forth between the two spheres which it indefinitely avoids. In addition, we stop the autonomous robot's movement ("Destination blocked") when it encounters a light in the cell it is about to enter. This is because of the way we handle our pathfinding; the A* algorithm blocks off a certain cell to prevent the robot from going through it, but blocking off the same cell as the destination will lead to the robot being unable to find a valid path.
Code locations and descriptions
Detecting visible lights:
Receive an image in BGR format. Pre-process the image by 1) converting it to grayscale and 2) applying Gaussian blur to smooth away high-value noise. Provide the pre-processed image to
, which returns the values and positions of the pixels in the image with minimum and maximum value (brightness). Return the value and position of the maximum value pixel.
Detecting visible lights: Lines 181–196 of
update(msg, model)
to find the value of the brightest pixel in the current view of the robot camera. If this value is greater than a set threshold for the brightness of a light, transition to theFaceCell
state in order to calculate a new path to the destination and escape the light. If the brightest pixel is under the threshold, assume there is no light in frame and do nothing.
After testing the above components with stationary lights, we added a second robot which can be operated by the player. The player robot has a light sphere attached to the front of it that cannot be seen from behind. Because the A* search is very fast, the monster robot can quickly find new best paths as the player moves. The monster robot knows where the player is, but not the direction of the player's light. So, if the monster robot runs into the player robot's light, it finds the next best path to the player in hopes of catching the player from behind.
Code locations and descriptions
Player teleop controls:
A modification of the standard Turtlebot3 teleop controls with higher limits on maximum linear and angular velocity and publishers to our monster bot
topic. Thes
key moves the robot backwards and thex
and space keys stop movement.
Query A* when the player changes cells: Lines 219–235 of
update(msg, model)
Track the player bot's odometry to determine when it switches cells. Upon switching, send a new request from the monster bot to the A* algorithm for an updated path to the player's new position.
As mentioned, Gazebo intentionally disables simulating shadows cast by spotlights and point lights. Dealing with this proved frustrating, especially after a false sense of confidence in our ability to create lights in Gazebo. Checking the Gazebo Answers forum, we noted a number of other users who were trying to work around the same design decision. Their posts helped inform our own attempts to enable shadows (the post just linked was especially informative for creating our plugin); however, being new to the Gazebo API, the OGRE graphics engine, and even C++ as a language, we struggled a fair bit through what essentially became a crash-course in creating Gazebo plugins. We were eventually able to enable spotlight shadows, though once we observed the robot camera feed in RViz, we realized that the lights were not visible to the robot. Cue more Googling, and we then learned that robot sensor measurements are handled on Gazebo's server application, and we were almost definitely spawning our lights only on the client side (where they were visible to us using the application). The endeavor proved a time sink, one for which a good takeaway is in need. Ultimately, we decided to keep the light spheres; instead of sinking more times into experimenting with Gazebo plugins, we wanted to focus on the actual movement and search capabilities of the robot.
Another major challenge was how to detect which sides of any given node are blocked by a wall when performing the A* search. We first tried to convert an (x,y)
coordinate into its corresponding index of the OccupancyGrid() data array,
. However, trying to get this calculation proved to be extremely frustrating:
has a different origin than the true origin visualized in RViz. Additionally, the occupancy array is rotated from the map alignment we based the rest of our code off of, and it has to be scaled down with
. Our solution was to forgo doing these (x,y)
-to-occupacy-grid conversions. Instead, we rotated
to match the orientation of the map, and called this rotated version self.truemap
. We replaced the house map in the Particle Filter Project with our maze to help us visualize this rotation. The image below shows the
after we rotated it 90 degrees clockwise and scaled it down. (The origin doesn't match, but now that we are not using (x,y)
values, it doesn't matter; this is just for ease of visualization).
We use
to calculate how many indices of the self.truemap
array are equal to the length of a single grid square, self.gridsize
. The function node_to_occ
is basically a modified 2D-array-indices to 1d-array-index function. It takes the array indices [i][j]
of a given maze cell and calculates the corresponding index in self.truemap
with self.gridsize
. Then, we can finally correctly identify which edges of a given maze cell are blocked by walls.
(Adam) Following the above dilemma with Gazebo, I believe my main takeaway for this project would be: know that you can't know what you're getting yourself into. I realize my wording is a bit repetitive, though I'm going for a play on "know what you're getting yourself into." That suggestion comes from a place of good faith; one ought to know the challenges that are in store if they choose a certain path. However, I find that, especially in computer science and software engineering, you sometimes can't say which challenges lie ahead. You can approximate the sum difficulty of a given choice (e.g. before trying to enable shadows, we knew it would be more difficult to do so than to use a placeholder for lights). Yet once you've started down your path (I promise I'm not weaving a a joke about path-finding into this), there may be a number of twists and turns which you cannot foresee. In our case, those were 1) thinking light creation in Gazebo a simple task, 2) learning shadow casting for our kind of lights was not a simple task, 3) believing we had overcome the limitations of Gazebo with a hack-around solution, and 4) realizing that only solved half the problem, and not even the half which was most important for our project (having the robot see the shadows). On such a twisty road, it's easy to look back and think that, given the effort expended in traversing it thus far, it would be a shame to give up short of the end. However, there could be three times the twists in the road ahead. Really consider if you want to continue on that path, and be aware of everything left unattended if you do choose to continue.
Visualizing the occupancy array relative to our map was a major challenge. When our
and other wall-checking functions returned the wrong values, it was hard to discern why. Eventually, we had to swap the names of some of the functions in order to match the rotation of occupancy array. If we were to do a similar project in the future, we would write code that visualizes these kinds of functions. Creating an overlay of the map that places a red dot on the edges of cells blocked by walls would have helped us a lot in checking the accuracy the wall-checkers, for example. Having the visual would've saved us the time comparing the printed booleans of the wall-checker to the map.
The next step is to enhance the game aspects. We would create a first-person game view using the camera feed of the player robot, and augment this view using visual filters and sound effects. For example, sound could indicate that the monster is approaching, so the player would attempt to turn around and catch it in their light. We would also add more autonomous monster robots, perhaps some with different behavior than the one implemented so far.
The TurtleBot3 teleop package uses a control scheme that varies from typical game controls in a few ways, so we would write a short script for more familiar teleop controls. We could ask team Controller Teleop about using their controller alongside our project!
Our demo showcases a scenario where the autonomous bot attempts to pathfind to the player. Upon reaching the corridor in which the player is located, the autonomous bot detects a light and immediately begins calculating a new path to the player, turning around to follow that path. When the player turns around and moves away, the autonomous bot detects a change in the player's position and tries to chase it by assuming that the player is facing away and following its original path. As the player moves through additional cells, the autonomous bot gains on it due to its higher speed and turning capabilities, catching the player as they collide with a wall.