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This is a fully fledge Django app which fetches alphavantage API every hour and gets BTC/USD exchange rate, and it stores into DB. Also, it provides three API endpoints for retrieving the data and fetching the rate at the moment.

Tech Stack:

Django, PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery, Nginx


1- Obtain an API key from alphavantage change the .env.example to .env, and add your API key to that also, if you want to enable the DEBUG in Django, you can set it in the .env file edit the Django secret key to your desire secret key.


By default, it uses the 82 as TCP port for serving the data, and you can access the admin panel via If you want to deploy it on a domain due to using Django 4, you have to change CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS in Django settings.

2- For spinning her up, you can start with this command:

docker-compose up --build

only for the first time; after that, you can remove the --build switch.


It provides five endpoints:

1- for obtaining an API key or token, you need to go one of these options:

a. (the easy option) send a post request to /api/v1/create_api_key with an optician JSON with a name like below : { name: "test" } then it returns a JSON that contains the name and the API key like this : { name: "test", key:"some_characters" } which you can use for the further requests to quotes endpoints.

b. send a post request to /api/v1/create_user with JSON in the body of the request with your email , your email and your desired password like this :

{ "username": "foo", "password": "foo+secretpass", "email": "[email protected]" }

if everything goes fine, then it returns a JSON with your email, username, id. after that with your username and password, you can send a request to /api/v1/get-token, e.g. :

{ "username": "foo", "password": "foo+secretpass" } Then it returns a JSON which includes a token so that you can use it in requests to quotes endpoints.

2- Right now, With the token or the API key, you can send a request to quotes APIs: for all requests to quotes endpoints, you have to add Authorization header to your requests, if you have an API key, the authorization header would be like this: {"Authorization": "Api-Key jIGOlx1g.WJ6xiO76oo4gAGVfNQpzg8tSh8SXDDLt"} but if you have Token, the header would be like : {"Authorization": "Token jIGOlx1g.WJ6xiO76oo4gAGVfNQpzg8tSh8SXDDLt"}

  • /api/v1/quotes By sending a GET request to this endpoint, you will receive a JSON containing all exchange rates. With sending a POST request to this endpoint, you will force the app to fetch an alphavantage exchange rate and saves data into DB also, it returns that rate.
  • /api/v1/latest_quote If you send a get request to this endpoint, it returns the latest exchange rate from the DB.


For running the tests, after the server is up (docker-compose up) just run the following command:

docker-compose exec backend python test


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