This project is made with laravel
- Contrubute to this project and make it more awesome!
- Download and use it straight away I made this project open source
- ✨Magic ✨
- The admin has his own page where he can see new the new orders and prepare them.
- Costummers have their own acoount and profile section
- When checking out a invoice is printed with the products in the cart
- with this invoice the costummer gets to pick his orders from the selected store
- The admin is able to see the new orders and prepare them for the costummers
- there is also a option to enter a coupon code before checking out
During the pandemic (covid-19) many business owners are requesting a platform where their costumers get to put an order and pick it up later at the store. With this project the store owners can peregrinate with a structured way on how many costumers enter their store
"made with laravel a php framework"
- [laravel] - The best php framework out there :)
And of course thanks to the open source [public repository's] and laravel packages on GitHub.
clone the repo
composer install & composer update
add the sql file
configure the .env to your database
Want to contribute and make this project even better please submit a request
Free Software, Hell Yeah!