Based on the guide in
yay -S kubectl kubeseal flux-bin talosctl talhelper sops go-task
Requires nodes to be booted to Talos maintenance mode - PXE is the easiest way
cd provision/talos
# Generate talosctl config from talhelper files
talhelper genconfig
# merge talosconfig into local
talosctl config merge ./clusterconfig/talosconfig
export NODES=<node ips>
# Install Talos on the node(s) awaiting in maitenance mode
talosctl apply-config --insecure --nodes $NODES --file ./clusterconfig/<node file>.yaml
# Fetch kubeconfig
talosctl --nodes $NODES kubeconfig
more here:
kubectl kustomize --enable-helm ./provision/kustomizations | kubectl apply -f -
Additionally, each node needs to be
- Added to the endpoint dns (see Kubernetes endpoint in talconfig.yaml)
- Added to the router as a BGP neighbor peer group:
Set up a github personal access token and run:
(to regenerate token, first delete the current flux secret: kubectl -n flux-system delete secret flux-system
GITHUB_TOKEN=personal-access-token \
flux bootstrap github \
--owner=H3mul \
--repository=homelab-k3s-flux \
--personal \
--path bootstrap
The sealed secrets in this repo will fail to decrypt until the keys are delivered to the controller
# create sealed-secret from SOPS:
sops -d provision/sops-sealed-secret-keys.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
# restart the controller to pick up the new secret
kubectl rollout restart -n sealed-secrets deployment sealed-secrets
Note: sealed-secrets automatically refreshes the cert - to fetch the latest one, use this command and commit the updated sealed-secrets.pem
kubeseal --fetch-cert --controller-name=sealed-secrets --controller-namespace=sealed-secrets > sealed-secrets.pem
If the original keys are lost, they can be regenerated:
Commit the new public key to sealed-secrets.pem
in this repo and reseal all the sealedsecrets