Discord bot with dinosaur-based minigame
From time to time bot creates a voice channel named by some dinosaur. When users enter the channel they are given a drop (part of a dino or entire dino). After few seconds channel disappears. Bot rewards online members and those who are active on voice channel by passively giving resources. Using collected parts and resources members can build dinosaurs in their lab and add them to their army. Owned dinosaurs can be used to attack others and steal their resources.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python T-Bot.py
!setvoicecat caterogry_id - sets voice category in which bot will operate
!setjnotif - sets notifications to current channel
Shows dino's info when first discovered, there are over 1100 dinosaurs that can be added.
Shows members profile.
Shows build progress for dinos.
Lets you attack another member and plunder his resources.
The only currently implemented minigame, not balanced at all.