- GemBuilder for C 3.2.x manual [pdf]
- GemBuilder for C 3.3.x manual [pdf]
- GemBuilder for C 3.4.x manual [html]
C function declarations for each release can be found in $GEMSTONE/include/gci.hf
A GemStone/S 64 stone is needed for using the GemStone GCI project. For that, we recommend installing and using GsDevKit_home using the following steps from the GsDevKit_home installation instructions:
# Install GsDevKit_home
git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home.git
cd GsDevKit_home
. bin/defHOME_PATH.env
# Create tODE client
createClient tode
For working with GemStone-GCI, you need a local clone of the GemStone-GCI project, a stone with the GemStone-GCI server code installed, and a Pharo client with the GemStone-GCI client code installed:
# Install GemStone-GCI project
cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos
git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/GemStone-GCI.git
#Create GemStone-GCI stone
createStone -u http://gsdevkit.github.io/GsDevKit_home/GemStoneGCI.ston -i GemStoneGCI -l GemStoneGCI -z $GS_HOME/shared/repos/GemStone-GCI/.smalltalk.ston gci_330 3.3.0
# Create GemStone-GCI Pharo5.0 client
createClient -t pharo gci_50 -v Pharo5.0 -z $GS_HOME/shared/repos/GemStone-GCI/.smalltalk.ston
# interactive client session -- run tests using TestRunner ... -s option specifies the stone to use
startClient gci_50 -s gci_330
# run tests as a headless batch job
startClient gci_50 -s gci_330 -t gciTest -r -z $GS_HOME/shared/repos/GemStone-GCI/.smalltalk.ston
# run headless tests and update GemStone-GCI code before running tests
startClient gci_50 -f -s gci_330 -t gciTest -r -z $GS_HOME/shared/repos/GemStone-GCI/.smalltalk.ston