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Releases: GrandpaGameHacker/ClassDumper3

ClassDumper3 - 0.0.22 - New Scanners

29 Aug 18:26
Choose a tag to compare

Added Instance and Code ref scanner just like in the original.
Some code and UI cleanup, general improvements, bug fixes.

ClassDumper3 Bugfix, more optimize and search bar

26 Aug 15:45
Choose a tag to compare

A little faster and added a search bar like in CD2
Fixed a bug where it would not wait for the scanner thread if you spammed the select target button

ClassDumper3 First Release

26 Aug 14:35
Choose a tag to compare

First release with:

  • Nice New GUI update
  • Async Scanning so GUI is responsive
  • Optimized Scanner is very very fast now

Stay tuned for new releases
this is a beta version and is missing a lot of the core features of the original.