- facebook/react - View
- reactjs/redux - App State
- gaearon/react-hot-loader - Hot Reloading of React Components
- webpack/webpack - Builds & Dev-Server
$ git clone
$ cd SE_Project
You'll need to have MongoDB running.
$ npm start # starts app in dev mode
$ npm run prod # starts server in production mode
$ npm run build # builds source files in .build/
$ node .build/server.bundle.js # starts server (after you built with npm run build)
This will start a server listening on port 3000
You can change the port in config/page.js
or by setting the PORT
environment variable.
If you want to add any vendor javascript or css, you'll likely not want it to be processed by babel or localized by css loader.
Add these scripts to the static/vendor folder and they will use a different loader configuration.
Pull Requests are very welcome!
If you find any issues, please report them via Github Issues!