👋 Hi, I’m @Gracing47, founder of Web3Box.tech and a passionate advocate for the transformative power of Web3 and AI.
👀 I’m interested in helping both individuals and businesses harness the potential of Web3 technologies. I specialize in Solidity, OpenAI API, Hardhat, Next.js, Node, and JavaScript, among others.
🌱 I’m currently exploring the latest developments in the Web3 and AI world, always eager to learn more and stay at the cutting edge of these rapidly evolving fields.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on innovative projects in the Web3 space. If you have an idea for a decentralized app, or if you're a business seeking to integrate Web3 and AI technologies, I'd love to hear from you.
📫 How to reach me: Feel free to connect with me here on GitHub, or reach out through our website at Web3Box.tech.