Steps to pass:
- Admin must publish sent posts
- Create and manage forms
- Send, review and manage answers
- Manage users, passwords and roles
- API Level authentication and authorization
- Forms process management and document forwarding
- Release as WIKI
- Implement Circlces
- Manage Circles for all roles
- Manage Authorization based on Circles
- Release as social network
- offline backup
- Show messages and error pages
- Version control
- SEO: Sitemap Generator :
- SEO: Contact info :
- SEO: Privacy Policy
- SEO: Terms of Service (TOS)
- SEO: rel=”canonical”
- SEO: Microdata
- SEO: Content type :
- SEO: Twitter card
- Keywords must be added automatically after detecting hashtags in POST
- Statistics
- SEO: Demographics :
- SEO: Trending
- SEO: meta-number for page clicks
- SEO: Cloaking for Bing and Google
- SEO: Error 301
- File System Manager
- User profile and activity;
- Validate anti forgery tokens and create unique forms with isssetPost['UNIQUE VAL']
- SEO: ui li; Based on Keywords
- Allow plugins
- Auto update script to download and unzip last release form
- Installation and configuration window
- Button to decrase database size (remove previous versions)
- Print option for books
- Datawarehouse for enterprise usage
- Handle sql injecttions in post/...
- Delete keywords on related post delete
- Export Answers to
- Generate Invoke forms for Controllers same as Microsoft ASMX If controller allowed VIEW method
- Add domains (as publications); human will be able to create his/her own domain and attach their website to this RSS.
Knowledge Management System Based on an agile framework
Director: MohammadReza Tayyebi [email protected]