- Install Docker (this will allow you to build the contract without having all of the prerequisites on your machine)
- Install Near CLI
- Run npm install -g near-cli
- Create a NEAR account to act as the contract owner. Make sure you have >5 NEAR.
~5 NEAR is required for contract storage.
Create a wallet that will own the vesting contract, and a sub account that you will deploy contract to.
- Run near create-account subaccount.masteraccount.near --masterAccount masteraccount.near
- Download the repo files from this github
Unzip file and place in an accessible location
Export to mainnet
Windows: Run set NEAR_NETWORK=mainnet
Mac: Run export NEAR_ENV=mainnet
Login to both Near wallets from above
Run near login
near login --walletUrl https://app.mynearwallet.com/
Can login with meteor wallet if you prefer
near login --walletUrl https://wallet.meteorwallet.app/
- Navigate to “near-vesting-tool-main” folder
Run cd desktop
Cd near-vesting-tool-main or respective folder name
- Build contract, once complete .wasm file should show in ./out folder
run build.bat
Click build.bat file
Run chmod 777 ./build.sh
- Deploy Contract
Mac - near deploy yourwallet.near --wasmFile ./main.wasm
Windows - run near deploy yourwallet.near out/main.wasm
Navigate to and open init.sh or init.bat (depending on your OS) then edit file on lines 5-7 to your appropriate information
Owner and vesting contract should be different (main account & sub account)
- Initialize contract
Mac: run chmod 777 ./init.sh
Windows: open init.bat
run run init.bat
Check Near block explorer on to confirm transaction successful
This contract is responsible for holding Jump tokens that belong to early investors in Jump DeFi throughout their vesting periods.
The contract revolves arround 2 main concepts: (1) schemas and (2) investments.
A schema is a vesting setup - meant to represent one round of investment raising, that contains certain vesting rules. A schema contains multiple different investments inside it.
An investment is a specific amount of tokens that belongs to a certain wallet (investor). The investor can withdraw the tokens from this investment according to the vesting schedule defined in the schema.
All vestings work in 3 different phases:
- Initial phase
- Cliff phase
- Final phase
The total amount of vested tokens is divided into 3 parts:
- Initial release
- Cliff release
- Final release
The vesting workflow looks like this
Before initial phase
Before the official start of the initial phase, the investor can withdraw no tokens
Initial phase
After the start of the initial phase, the investor is entitled to withdraw the initial release
Cliff phase
Once the cliff phase starts, the investor gradually gains access to the cliff release.
The percentage of time of the cliff phase that has already passed is used in a formula to calculate how many percent of the cliff release the investor can withdraw. At the end of the cliff period, the investor can withdraw the entire cliff release.
Currently the contract only supports a linear cliff formula, meaning that if 20% of the cliff period has passed, the investor can withdraw 20% of the cliff release. In the future other formulas might be supported such as logarithmic or exponential.
Final phase
After the end of the cliff phase, the investor gains access to the entire cliff release and the final release. At this point the vesting has ended and the investor can withdraw all tokens.
The owner will perform 3 main actions in the contract: (1) initialize the contract, (2) create schemas, (3) add investments to schemas.
Investors will tipically only withdraw tokens from their investments as they become available
This method must be called after deploying the contract to enable it to operate.
Method name:
Method params:
owner: AccountId -> Address of the account that will control the contract as its owner token_contract: AccountId -> Address of the contract of the NEP-141 project token
near call <vestingContractAddress> "new" '{"owner": "<ownerAccountId>", "token_contract": "<token_contract_address>", --accountId <ownerAccountId>
create schema
To create a schema, you must actually transfer the tokens that will be distributed through the schema to the contract using
and pass specific parameters:Method name:
Method params:
receiver_id: String -> Address of vesting contract, amount: String -> Quantity of tokens that will be distributed through the schema memo: Option<String> -> Optional message to log in the blockchain msg: String -> "{ category: String -> name of the schema initial_release: U128 - > How many percent of the investment are released immediatelly (base 10_000) cliff_release: U128 - > How many percent of the investment are released during the cliff period (base 10_000) final_release: U128 - > How many percent of the investment are released after the end of the cliff period (base 10_000) initial_timestamp: U64 - > Timestamp when the schema vesting period starts (releases initial_release) cliff_delta: U64 - > Time delta after initial_timestamp that composes cliff (after initial_timestamp + cliff_delta, cliff_release starts to be released ) final_delta: U64 - > Time delta after (initial_timestamp + cliff_delta) after which all tokens are going to be released (vesting ends) curve_type: String -> Formula for the continuous release of tokens during the cliff period (currently only supports "Linear", which is a linear equation) discrete_period: U64 - > Minimum timedelta considered to calculate changes in released tokens, recommended to use low number, such as 10 }"
near call <baseTokenAddress> "new" '{"receiver_id": "<vestingContractAddress>", "amount": "<amount_to_distribute_in_schema>", "memo": "<memo>", "msg": "{msg_object}" }' --accountId <ownerAccountId> --depositYocto 1
If you wish to see details for a specific schema created:
near view <vestingContractAddress> "view_schema" '{"schema_category": "<schema_name>"}'
If you wish to see all created schemas:
near view <vestingContractAddress> "view_all_schemas"
create investment
The owner can create an investment inside a schema by calling
. The only restriction is that you cannot create a total investment value that surpasses the token amount deposited to create the schema.Method name:
Method params: category: String -> name of the schema account: AccountId -> investor account total_value: U128 -> total quantity of tokens to be granted to investor date_in: Option -> if provided overrides standard schema initial_timestamp,
near call <vestingContractAddress> "create_investment" '{"category": "<schema_name>", "account": "<investor_account>", "total_value": "<total_value>", "date_in": "<initial_timestamp or null>" }' --accountId <ownerAccountId> --depositYocto 1
withdraw tokens
The investor can withdraw released tokens at any moment by calling
.Method name:
Method params: value_to_withdraw: U128 -> quantity of tokens to withdraw, category: String -> schema name,
near call <vestingContractAddress> "withdraw_your_investments" '{"value_to_withdraw": "<value wished>", "category": "<scehma_name>",}' --accountId <investorAccountId> --depositYocto 1
If the investor wishes to know how many tokens are already realeased, they can do so by calling:
near view <vestingContractAddress> "view_investment" '{"investment_id": "<schema_name>@<investor_account>"}'