This is basic template for wordpress website development, for AVIS DIGITAL STUDIO.
Unzip template arhive to openServer/domains directory, and change name of unziped folder to name of domain for development
Change theme name in wp-content/themes/theme-name
Example: wp-content/themes/theme-name => wp-content/themes/projectthemename
config gulp (change variables in gulpfile)
var theme = 'projectthemename';
var domain = ''
Config wordpress. Create DB, and change wp-config.php file
define( 'DB_NAME', 'projectDataBaseName' );
install packages and start
npm i
npm run start
CSS - folder with compilled scss files (dont change css files, while work in local server)
FONTS - folder for fonts, used in this project
IMG - folder for images, used in this project
JS - folder for js files
INC - folder for functions.php parts (can contain addidional files)
theme-functions.php - file for basic theme functions and hooks
polylang-functions.php - file for multilanguage functions and hooks
libs.scss - import all scss libs, used in project
main.scss - import all scss custom styles for project
main - folder for main scss styles (mixins, fonts, reset, variables, ...)
libs - folder for libs scss styles
TEMPLATE-PARTS - folder for guttenberg blocks, footer, header, etc.
using tabs for indentation
use lazyload
use BEM and write clean, valid, structured code
use scss and css variables, mixins
<section id="example" class="example"> <div class="example__container"> <h1 class="example__title"> title </h1> <p class="expample__text"> text </p> <div class="exapmle__image lazy" data-bg="img/image.jpg"></div> </div> </section>
.example { &__container { //custom styles for container (content wrapper) @include flex(space-between, center, wrap, 20px); // mixin example @include tablet {gap: 10px;} // midastyles for tablet mixin } &__title { // custom styles for this section title width: 100%; color: var(--accent); // css variable example @include mob {text-align: center;} // midastyles for mobile mixin } &__text { // custom styles for this section text } &__image { // custom styles for this section image background: 50% / cover no-repeat; } }
- use ACF (for custom fiedds)
- use CPT (for custom post types)
- use Polylang (for multilanguages)
- using Yoast (for seo)
this template already include many features (wp plugins, js libraries, js scripts, scss/css styles) what we usualy use in our projects.
simply styled countdown with cookie or to some date. how to use:
<div class='simpleCountdown' data-cookies='yep' data-extra='4,0,0' ></div>
<div class='simpleCountdown' data-cookies='nope' data-date='2017,1,18,0' ></div>
to open video in popup use:
<a href="#modal-video" data-video='vimeo' data-srcvideo='193236599'>Open vimeo</a>
<a href="#modal-video" data-video='youtube' data-srcvideo='ajnNdUImtCE'>Open youtube</a>
to open popup write id of popup in link, example:
<a href="#modal-popup" >Open popup</a>
<div class="modal-overlay" id="modal-popup">
<div class="modal-content popup-content">
<div class="close-button"></div>
This project is used by the following companies:
Client: Gulp, SCSS, PHP, JS
Server: PHP, Node