This repository contains the code base for GogetaFS atop PM. The code is based on Light-Dedup. The artifact evaluation steps can be obtained from GogetaFS-AE. We now introduce the code base and the branches corresponding to the paper.
Atop NOVA file system, we mainly modify files below for GogetaFS.
: the basic deduplication logic implementation.light_dedup_incr_ref_continuous
is the core function to deduplicate data block(s). -
: we interceptnova_set_file_bm
for recovering GogetaFS deduplication service from crash. -
: manipulate single entry in the GLT. -
: preallocate rhashtable to improve recovery performance, the same as Light-Dedup. -
: define the fingerprinting algorithm (i.e., wyhash). -
: the wyhash implementation. -
: the implementation of multi-core xarray for concurrent recovery.
light-fs-dedup: GogetaFS with secure mode.
light-fs-dedup-64bit-fp: GogetaFS with non-secure mode (default).
light-fs-dedup-64bit-fp-failure: GogetaFS with failure recovery.
light-fs-dedup-disable-dedup: GogetaFS with deduplication disabled.
light-fs-dedup-super: GogetaFS with super-fingerprint (SFP).
light-fs-dedup-regulate: GogetaFS with regulated memory (Figure 8b with mem>0 and Figure 8d with mem=0).
light-fs-dedup-pm-table: GogetaHybrid (Figure 8c).
light-fs-dedup-pm-table-persistence: Light-Dedup with memory regulation (corresponding to Light-Dedup in Figure 12).
light-fs-dedup-pm-all: GogetaSHT (Figure 8e), which is GogetaFS using static hash table for all-in-PM organization.
light-fs-dedup-pm-all-persistence: SHT, GogetaSHT without LFP entries.
nova-pipe: NOVA file system, the baseline.
nova-pipe-failure: NOVA file system with failure recovery.
denova: DeNova file system.
denova-non-crypto: DeNova without using crypto hash.
nova-pipe-dedup: Light-Dedup file system.
nova-pipe-dedup-failure: Light-Dedup file system with failure recovery.