Preload icons on the loading screen (longer loading time but hopefully a lot less lagspikes in-game now)
Fix disconnecting when minimizing the game
Room popup now doesn't auto refresh, and sorts players alphabetically (also your friends are now shown before everyone else!)
^ same applies for the in-game player list popup
Scroll position no longer resets when refreshing a list
Changed the voice chat volume slider to be ranged from 0% to 200% instead of 100%
You can now hear yourself when testing audio in settings
Make asset preloading optional (if you have weird texture bugs, disable it in settings!)
Hopefully fix a crash when disconnecting the active audio input device
Maybe fixed death effects crashing the game
Fix some crashes caused by corrupted data
Fix gauntlet levels sometimes being broken
Fix player opacity not working properly on spider and robot
Add a message indicating how to use voice chat
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