Releases: GispoCoding/eis_qgis_plugin
✨ New features
- Add Weights of evidence processing algorithms (Calculate weights, Calculate responses, Agterberg-Cheng CI test) (#296)
- Add Weights of evidence to EIS Wizard modeling (#300)
- Add Binarize, Proximity to anomaly and Proximity to features to the list of available proxy processing steps for defining custom mineral system proxies (#297)
- Add Replace with nodata processing algorithm (#302)
🛠️ Other improvements
- Give output layers from EIS Processing algorithms more descriptive names when a temporary output is used (#283)
Before upgrading to this plugin version, make sure to export your custom mineral systems. This release fixes an issue that causes custom mineral systems to get deleted when upgrading plugin version, but the fix takes effect only after this upgrade.
✨ New features
- Add Feature importance processing algorithm (#288)
- Add search radius parameter to IDW (#292)
- Add validation metric values to model history (#293)
🐞 Fixes
- Fix and change save location of custom/user-defined mineral systems. The fix will be in effect for future upgrades (#287)
- Fix EIS Wizard UI size issue related to proxy processing views (#295)
🛠️ Other improvements
🐞 Fixes
- Fix plugin for QGIS version 3.40
- Fix regressor testing not working in Wizard (#278)
- Fix Wizard evaluation plots causing window resizing issues (#277)
- Fix fuzzy overlay outputs not appearing in some cases (#279)
- Fix one failed tool execution blocking the following executions in Wizard (#279)
🛠️ Other improvements
- Add output log area, progress bar and cancel button to fuzzy overlay modeling in Wizard (#279)
This release marks the first stable version of EIS QGIS Plugin after beta testing! Development will continue, but this version will be released in the QGIS Plugins repository without the 'experimental' tag.
This release marks the first stable version of the EIS QGIS Plugin following the beta testing phase! This version will be available in the QGIS Plugins repository without the 'experimental' tag. Development will continue based on user feedback and the remaining issues of this repository.
Changes from the last beta version
✨ Features
- Add a separate tab in Wizard Settings for EIS Toolkit configuration (#252)
- Add EIS Toolkit upgrading functionality to EIS WIzard (#255)
- Add option to create ungrouped boxplots (#257)
- Add output log area to proxy processing in Wizard (#261)
- Add model evaluation page (#262)
🐞 Fixes
- Fix interpolation parameter box in Wizard proxy processing page (#261)
- Fix issue with environment verification and upgrading for Docker environment (#264)
🛠️ Other improvements
- Remove Li-pegmatites and Co-VMS placeholders from mineral system selection (#248)
- Refine UI (add icons to buttons, some UI layout redesigns) (#256)
- Move CoDA processing algorithms into their own group (#259)
- Misc user experience improvements: add and clarify messages shown, make messages appear to EIS Wizard window (when using non-docked version), add confirmation dialog to EIS Toolkit upgrading, add confirmation dialog when user tries to delete model histories, add some tooltips, add link to user manual in About page (#261)
- Upgrade Seaborn to 0.13.2 (#265)
- Add numeric input field filter to Local Moran's I processing algorithm (#267)
- Add an exception for when user has not configured EIS Toolkit but tries to run some tools (#270)
✨ Features
- Add custom proxies and custom mineral systems (#234)
- Add Proximity to anomaly processing algorithm (#241)
- Add proximity computation processing algorithm (#241)
- Add parallel coordinates and pairplot for raster data (#224)
- Add exploratory analyses tab to EDA page in Wizard (#228)
- Wizard menu can be minimized to show only icons in Wizard settings page (#222)
🐞 Fixes
- Fix save file widget for fuzzy overlay in Wizard modeling page (#238)
- Update and fix PCA algorithms (#240)
🛠️ Other improvements
✨ Features
- Add MLP classifier and regressor processing algorithms (#209)
- Add MLP models in EIS Wizard modeling (#210)
- Add Mask raster processing algorithm (#207)
- Add statistics page to EIS Wizard EDA (#212)
🐞 Fixes
- Fix issues with various modeling processing algorithm parameters (#210)
- Fix issue with parameter resetting in EIS Wizard modeling (#210)
- Fix a bug with default raster color ramp in EIS Wizard settings
🛠️ Other improvements
- Add masking parameter to Unify raster grids processing algorithm (#208)
- Improve warning when using an already existing model instance name in EIS Wizard
- Rename 'X' to 'Class' in categorical plots data selection in EIS Wizard
- Add band parameter to Descriptive statistics raster (#212)
- EIS Wizard can now be resized smaller and works when opened to a smaller area (#214)
✨ Features
- Multiple validation metrics can be used in ML model training (#189)
- Automatic layer groups for mineral system proxies are now formed based on mineral system component (#192)
- Allow non-numeric fields to be used as color fields in EDA plots (#185)
- Set output raster of proxy process step 1 as the default input of proxy process step 2
- Add setting for default singleband raster color ramp
🐞 Fixes
- Fix a bug where training a model lead to Wizard sizing issues (History tab did not have scroll area) (#184)
- Fix proxy processing output files to use always raster file format (#193)
- Fix multistep proxy process workflow opening on the 2nd page
- Fix available vector layer fields not showing immediately for some plots (#196)
- Filter non-numeric fields for plots that do not support them (#196)
- Fix default base raster not being saved across QGIS sessions (#199)
- Fix issue where EIS Toolkit availability was invalidly shown when doing verification
- Remove AUC from classifier metrics, add R2 to regressor metrics
🛠️ Other improvements
- User is warned for selecting invalid penalty-solver combination in LR model training (#191)
- Intermediary proxy processing results are named according to processing step (interpolation) (#192)
- Use running index suffix for already existing proxy/modeling result layers (#192, #203)
- Use file name as the layer name if not producing a temp file (#193)
- Increase number of selectable fields to 15 for parallel coordinates plot (#185)
- Remove resampling and reprojecting from Model data preparation (#201)
EIS QGIS Plugin beta release
EIS QGIS Plugin beta release includes the basic tools required to conduct mineral prospectivity mapping. Most tools currently available in EIS Toolkit are implemented as processing algorithms. EIS Wizard implements basic versions of Mineral system proxies, EDA, Modeling, History, Settings and About pages and supports conducting a full MPM workflow. Note that this is a beta release and more tools will be added in the upcoming months and EIS Wizard improved.
✨ Features
EIS Wizard
- Mineral system proxies: Proxies included for IOCG deposits; proxy importances given for regional, camp and deposit scales; each proxy is mapped to a workflow UI, workflow UIs implemented for interpolation, distance to vector features and distance to anomaly (raster)
- EDA (Explorative Data Analysis): Plots for Histogram, KDE, ECDF, Scatterplot, Lineplot, Barplot, Boxplot, Pairplot and Parallel coordinates plot
- Modeling: Includes tabs for generic data preparation, fuzzy memberships, fuzzy overlay, training ML model, testing ML model and applying ML model; includes fuzzy overlay, logistic regression, random forest (classifier & regressor) and gradient boosting (classifier and regressor) as selectable models
- History: Shows trained models and information about them (model type, model file, training time, training date, used evidence data, used label data and parameters), allows to delete models and allows to redefine model file path (if file is moved)
- Settings Includes EIS Toolkit configuration (venv or Docker (not recommended right now)), base raster setting, dockable EIS Wizard setting, default plot color setting and automatic layer grouping setting.
- About: Includes information about the plugin and links to relevant sites.
EIS Processing algorithms
- Summarize label metrics (for binary classification)
- Summarize probability metrics (for binary classification)
- Plot ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve
- Plot DET (detection error tradeoff) curve
- Plot precision-recall curve
- Plot calibration curve (reliability curve)
- Plot confusion matrix
- Score predictions (mae, mse, rmse, r2, accuracy, precision, recall, f1)
Exploratory analysis
- Chi-square test
- DBSCAN (array & dataframe versions)
- Descriptive statistics (raster & geodataframe versions)
- K-means clustering (array & dataframe versions)
- Local Moran's I
- Normality test (array & dataframe versions)
- Plot parallel coordinates
- Compute PCA
- Focal filter
- Gaussian filter
- Mexican hat filter
- Lee additive noise filter
- Lee multiplicative noise filter
- Lee additive multiplicative noise filter
- Lee enhanced filter
- Gamma filter
- Frost filter
- Kuan filter
- Fuzzy overlay (AND, OR, PRODUCT, SUM, GAMMA)
- Train gradient boosting classifier & regressor
- Train random forest classifier & regressor
- Train logistic regression model
- Predict classifier & regressor
- Test classifier & regressor
Raster processing
- Classify aspect
- Clip raster
- Create constant raster (manually & from template)
- Distance to anomaly
- Extract window
- Reclassify (manual breaks, defined intervals, equal intervals, quantiles, natural breaks, geometric intervals, standard deviation)
- Reproject
- Resample
- Snap
- Surface derivatives
- Unify rasters
- Unique combinations
- Binarize
- Clip transform
- Min-max scale
- Z-score normalize
- Log transform (ln, log2, log10)
- One-hot encode
- Sigmoid transform
- Winsorize
- CODA transforms
- ALR transform
- Inverse ALR transform
- CLR transform
- Inverse CLR transform
- Single ILR transform
- Single pairwise logratio
- Pairwise logratio
- Single PLR transform
- PLR transform
Vector processing
- Calculate geometry (length for line, area for polygon)
- Cell based association
- Distance computation
- Extract shared lines
- IDW interpolation
- Kriging interpolation
- Rasterize vector
- Reproject vector
- Vector density
- Check raster grids
- Combine raster bands
- Convert raster nodata
- Set raster nodata
- Split raster bands
- Unify raster nodata
Changes from v0.4.2
- Show plot immediately parameter defaults to True now in evaluation processing algorithms
- Prevent terminal opening on Windows when processes are run
- Allow redefning filepath for model file in History
- Show warnings when model file is not found (moved or deleted)
- Add warning message when about to overwrite an existing model instance (when training a ML model)
- Fix bug where model instance entries would duplicate in history/database
- Increase decimals from 3 to 5 for fuzzy membership parameters in Fuzzy modeling
- Disable default palette choosing in Settings since they are not used currently
- Move unfinished processing algorithms to draft folder (removed from processing toolbox)
- Fix bug where parallel coordinates wouldn't plot with continuous color field
- Improve / modify result printing (non-file outputs) in processing algorithms
- Fix bug where all STDOUT/STDERR messages were not captured before quitting
- Change boolean outputs to prints (concerns only Check raster grids algorithm)
- Delete old unused graph tests
- Add Cell based association processing algorithm