A simple library to add custom commands to the built-in Developer Console. Requires LibStub.
Add LibDevConsole-1.0.lua
to your addon, either by downloading a packaged version from this repo, or by embedding LibDevConsole-1.0.lua
into your own addon, then load it with a .toc/.xml file, and access it from your own code as follows:
local LibDevConsole = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDevConsole");
local MyCommandInfo = {
help = "Say 'hello world!'", -- help text that shows up in the auto-complete window
category = Enum.ConsoleCategory.Game, -- Enum.ConsoleCategory
command = "myCommand", -- the command itself
scriptParameters = "", -- not sure what this does
scriptContents = "", -- this is a mystery too
commandType = Enum.ConsoleCommandType.Script, -- Enum.ConsoleCommandType
commandFunc = function() LibDevConsole.AddMessage("Hello World!") end, -- this is the function the command executes
local success = LibDevConsole.RegisterCommand(MyCommandInfo);