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A GeoNode app that implements a flow to upload/import data files.
The modular logic adapts to different file types, and can be extended by implementing custom handlers.

Some history

geonode-importer has been created as a GeoNode 4.0 app to handle some formats that at the time were unsupported by GeoNode. It has then been extended to include all previously handled formats.
In GeoNode 4.1 geonode-importer replaced the previous importer logic.

Supported file formats

  • ESRI Shapefile - Vector
  • GeoPackage - Vector
  • GeoJSON - Vector
  • KML - Vector
  • CSV - Vector
  • GeoTiff - Raster
  • XML - Update XML file for a given resource
  • SLD - Update SLD file for a given resource

IMPORTANT: At the moment the importer doesn't support overwriting/skipping existing layers from the UI. Every upload will create a new dataset. Overwriting a layer (overwrite_existing_layer) and skipping an already existing layer (skip_existing_layers) is supported through the API. Refer to the API documentation for more details and exmplaes.


  • Features in the same table must have the same geometry type. Mixed geometry tpyes are not supported, therefore GEOMETRY columns are not accepted
  • The XML file and the SLD file uploaded along with the GPKG are ignored
  • The number of layers in a GPKG must be lower than the max_parallel_upload configuration value


  • The filename should not contain dots, for example "" -> "valid_file_name.geojson"


  • The CSV colum accepted for lat/long CSVs (POINTS) are the followings:
    • lat, latitude, y
    • long, longitude, x
  • For any other geometry type the following columns are accepted:
    • geom, geometry, the_geom, wkt_geom


Starting from GeoNode 4.1.0 the new importer is installed and configured by default.

The following documentation is only meant to report what is automatically done under the hood.

System dependencies

The importer relies on the gdal utilities to perform format conversions and manipulations.

You need to install the gdal-bin package in your system, be it a base system or a docker environment; in the latter case, make sure it is installed in the celery and in the django services.
In a ubuntu/debian system you can install gdal-bin with the command:

apt install gdal-bin

You need at least version 3.2.2 (this is the version that has been tested).
To check your version please run either:

$ gdalinfo --version
GDAL 3.3.2, released 2021/09/01   


$ ogrinfo --version
GDAL 3.3.2, released 2021/09/01

To install gdal-bin on other platforms please refer to

Install the package

Make sure you activated the virtualenv if you are using one.

pip install -e git+


The following settings in GeoNode's drive the importer functionality:

INSTALLED_APPS += ('dynamic_models', 'importer', 'importer.handlers',)

    Queue('importer.import_orchestrator', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.import_orchestrator'),
    Queue('importer.import_resource', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.import_resource', max_priority=8),
    Queue('importer.publish_resource', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.publish_resource', max_priority=8),
    Queue('importer.create_geonode_resource', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.create_geonode_resource', max_priority=8),
    Queue('importer.import_with_ogr2ogr', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.import_with_ogr2ogr', max_priority=10),
    Queue('importer.import_next_step', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.import_next_step', max_priority=3),
    Queue('importer.create_dynamic_structure', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.create_dynamic_structure', max_priority=10),
    Queue('importer.copy_geonode_resource', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.copy_geonode_resource', max_priority=0),
    Queue('importer.copy_dynamic_model', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.copy_dynamic_model'),
    Queue('importer.copy_geonode_data_table', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.copy_geonode_data_table'),
    Queue('importer.copy_raster_file', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.copy_raster_file'),
    Queue('importer.rollback', GEONODE_EXCHANGE, routing_key='importer.rollback'),


DATABASE_ROUTERS = ["importer.db_router.DatastoreRouter"]




In case of a local environment, Geoserver and Geonode should be able to reach the default MEDIA_ROOT.

If some permission is missing, please change the FILE_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS to make the folder accessible to both

DB migration

Run migrations:

python migrate
python migrate --database datastore

Available environment variables

To change the task rate limit, please update the following env variables:


OGR2OGR_COPY_WITH_DUMP = If true, will pipe the PG dump to psql.



The importer will return different error codes according to the encountered error.
Here a description of the various codes:

Code Error Description
RQ1 Invalid layer name Layer names must start with a letter, and valid characters are lowercase a-z, numbers, or underscores.
RQ2 Empty layer Layers must have at least one feature.
RQ13 SRS mismatch It is required to give all GEOMETRY features the same default spatial reference system
RQ14 Unknown geometry type The geometry_type_name from the gpkg_geometry_columns table must be one of POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING, or MULTIPOLYGON
RQ15 Geometry type mismatch All table geometries must match the geometry_type_name from the gpkg_geometry_columns table
RC18 Geometry attr mismatch It is recommended to give all GEOMETRY type columns the same name.

Character conversion

By default, we use the LAUNDER option in ogr2ogr to convert a list of special chars to make them compatible with PostgreSQL.

Along with this, also the layer name during the dataset import is converted to make it aligned with ogr2ogr.

In detail the list is the following:

From TO
- (space) # \ _
.)(,& empty_string

Run tests

A simple docker compose is provided along with the project. To run the geonode-importer test suite please follow this steps:

The compose project, provides what is needed to run the tests. This includes:

  1. Database
  2. Geoserver
  3. Django with all the dependecies needed

Step 1: build the project

Build and run the docker compose project

docker compose -f docker-compose-test.yaml up --build -d

Step 2: Run Scripts

Two scripts are provided along with the compose file:



Is a script which create the needed extension and database to run the tests. Is a setup script


It actually runs the tests.

Note: the tests inside the docker environment can be run manually too

Env File

The .env_test file contains all the environment variable needed to successfully run the tests