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feat(windows): updated for react-native-windows 0.62 (react-native-ca…
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* Updated ReactNativeCameraCPP projects to use the new RNW lib props/targets provided in 0.62 for easier upgrades
* Added new ReactNativeCameraCPP solution and readme with instructions for building locally
* Added ReactNativeCameraCPP61 solution and project to maintain 0.61 support

ReactNativeCameraCPP RNCamera component:
* Added properties: defaultVideoQuality, mirrorVideo, autoFocus, whiteBalance, cameraId
* Removed deprecated properties: torchMode
* Expanded Type constant (front/back) to include other Windows types (Unknown, Top, Bottom, Left, Right)

ReactNativeCamperaCPP RNCamera module:
* Cleaned up async error handling:
    * Uncaught exceptions no longer crash the app, instead returning the error via the promise reject as expected
    * Passed in options and promises are now properly captured so as to not get deleted before async operations are completed
* Fixed issue when passed in option values are doubles instead of integers
* Moved all possible processing off of the UI thread
* Fixed device enumeration by id/type to support non-integrated cameras
* Piped out CaptureTarget constants for "target" option (memory, disk, cameraRoll, temp)
* Added BarCodeType constant stubs
* Added FaceDetection constants stubs
* Added VideoCodec constants for "codec" option (H264, HEVC, WMV)
* takePicture:
    * Added options: target, quality, doNotSave, base64, width, mirrorImage, exif, writeExif
    * Added result properties: width, height, base64, exif
    * Fixed issue where EXIF data was being stripped from photos
* record:
    * Added options: target, mute, quality, maxDuration, videoBitrate, codec
    * Added result properties: codec
* stopRecording: Added implementation
* isRecording: Added implementation
* pausePreview: Added implementation
* resumePreview: Added implementation
* getCameraIds: Added implementation
  • Loading branch information
jonthysell authored Jul 17, 2020
1 parent d62da5f commit 93e6581
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Showing 27 changed files with 2,884 additions and 1,438 deletions.
366 changes: 188 additions & 178 deletions docs/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/RNCamera.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -364,6 +364,7 @@ export default class Camera extends React.Component<PropsType, StateType> {
GoogleVisionBarcodeDetection: CameraManager.GoogleVisionBarcodeDetection,
FaceDetection: CameraManager.FaceDetection,
CaptureTarget: CameraManager.CaptureTarget,
RecordAudioPermissionStatus: RecordAudioPermissionStatusEnum,
VideoStabilization: CameraManager.VideoStabilization,
Orientation: {
Expand Down
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions windows/.clang-format
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@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
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16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion windows/.gitignore
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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@

#OS junk files
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,6 +35,17 @@ ipch/

# Visual C++ cache files

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,3 +86,7 @@ packages/

#Files generated by the VS build
**/Generated Files/**

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions windows/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# React Native Camera (Windows)

React Native Camera is currently maintained for React Native Windows (RNW) >= 0.61.

There are two implementations of `react-native-camera` in this folder:

1. _ReactNativeCameraCPP_ is the currently maintained implementation:
1. Use _ReactNativeCameraCPP_ for RNW >= 0.62.
2. Use _ReactNativeCameraCPP61_ for RNW 0.61.
2. _RNCamera_ is a legacy implementation for `[email protected]`. It is no longer maintained.

## Why all the different versions?

RNW was originally implemented in C#, where development stopped at version 0.59. _RNCamera_ is the version of React Native Camera written in C# against that (now "legacy") RNW.

RNW was then rebuilt from scratch in C++, and version 0.61 was the first release to support native community modules. _ReactNativeCameraCPP_ is the version of React Native Camera written in C++ against the current RNW.

RNW 0.62 brought a variety of build improvements, but now requires both Visual Studio 2019 and a newer Windows SDK. So while the native module APIs are 99% forward-compatible, it's currently necessary to maintain a separate `ReactNativeCameraCPP61.vcxproj` project for RNW 0.61 users. The `ReactNativeCameraCPP.vcxproj` project targets RNW >= 0.62 users.

# Local Development Setup (RNW >= 0.62)

In order to work on _ReactNativeCameraCPP_, you'll need to install the [Windows Development Dependencies](

In addition, `react-native-camera` targets React Native 0.59 and doesn't include React Native Windows as a dependency. So in order to build _ReactNativeCameraCPP_ locally you'll need to temporarily upgrade the development dependencies:

yarn upgrade react-native@^0.62.2
yarn add react-native-windows@^0.62.0 --dev

Now you should be able to open `ReactNativeCameraCPP.sln` in Visual Studio and build the project.

> _Note:_ In order to test your code changes don't break RNW 0.61, you'll want to do the above steps but targeting RN/RNW 0.61, and using `ReactNativeCameraCPP61.sln`.

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