SCimilarity is a unifying representation of single cell expression profiles that quantifies similarity between expression states and generalizes to represent new studies without additional training.
This enables a novel cell search capability, which sifts through millions of profiles to find cells similar to a query cell state and allows researchers to quickly and systematically leverage massive public scRNA-seq atlases to learn about a cell state of interest.
Tutorials and API documentation can be found at:
The latest API release can be installed from PyPI:
pip install scimilarity
Pretrained model weights, embeddings, kNN graphs, a single-cell metadata can be downloaded from:
A docker container with SCimilarity preinstalled can be pulled from:
To cite SCimilarity in publications please use:
A cell atlas foundation model for scalable search of similar human cells. Graham Heimberg*, Tony Kuo*, Daryle J. DePianto, Tobias Heigl, Nathaniel Diamant, Omar Salem, Gabriele Scalia, Tommaso Biancalani, Jason R. Rock, Shannon J. Turley, Héctor Corrada Bravo, Josh Kaminker**, Jason A. Vander Heiden**, Aviv Regev**. Nature (2024).