Update Snapshot tests #728
4 fail, 3 skipped, 124 pass in 7m 32s
ββ1 filesββ140 suitesβββ7m 32s β±οΈ
131 testsβ124 β
β3 π€β4 β
976 runsββ966 β
β3 π€β7 β
Results for commit 91ff419.
Check warning on line 0 in character(0)
github-actions / Unit Tests Summary
4 out of 5 runs failed: JointModel_print_method_works_as_expected (character(0))
jmpost.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xmlβ[took 0s]
Raw output
Snapshot of code has changed: ('test-JointModel.R:19:5')
Snapshot of code has changed:
old[10:16] vs new[10:16]
Weibull-PH Survival Model with parameters:
sm_weibull_ph_lambda ~ gamma(alpha = 2, beta = 0.5)
sm_weibull_ph_gamma ~ gamma(alpha = 2, beta = 0.5)
- beta_os_cov ~ normal(mu = 0, sigma = 5)
+ beta_os_cov ~ normal(mu = 0, sigma = 2)
Random Slope Longitudinal Model with parameters:
* Run `testthat::snapshot_accept('JointModel')` to accept the change.
* Run `testthat::snapshot_review('JointModel')` to interactively review the change.
Check warning on line 0 in character(0)
github-actions / Unit Tests Summary
1 out of 2 runs failed: Print_method_for_SurvivalExponential_works_as_expected (character(0))
jmpost.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xmlβ[took 0s]
Raw output
Snapshot of code has changed: ('test-SurvivalExponential.R:62:5')
Snapshot of code has changed:
old[5:9] vs new[5:9]
Exponential Survival Model with parameters:
sm_exp_lambda ~ gamma(alpha = 2, beta = 5)
- beta_os_cov ~ normal(mu = 0, sigma = 5)
+ beta_os_cov ~ normal(mu = 0, sigma = 2)
* Run `testthat::snapshot_accept('SurvivalExponential')` to accept the change.
* Run `testthat::snapshot_review('SurvivalExponential')` to interactively review the change.
Check warning on line 0 in character(0)
github-actions / Unit Tests Summary
1 out of 2 runs failed: Print_method_for_SurvivalLogLogistic_works_as_expected (character(0))
jmpost.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xmlβ[took 0s]
Raw output
Snapshot of code has changed: ('test-SurvivalLoglogistic.R:89:5')
Snapshot of code has changed:
old[6:10] vs new[6:10]
Log-Logistic Survival Model with parameters:
sm_loglogis_a ~ lognormal(mu = -2.30259, sigma = 5)
sm_loglogis_b ~ gamma(alpha = 2, beta = 5)
- beta_os_cov ~ normal(mu = 0, sigma = 5)
+ beta_os_cov ~ normal(mu = 0, sigma = 2)
* Run `testthat::snapshot_accept('SurvivalLoglogistic')` to accept the change.
* Run `testthat::snapshot_review('SurvivalLoglogistic')` to interactively review the change.
Check warning on line 0 in character(0)
github-actions / Unit Tests Summary
1 out of 2 runs failed: Print_method_for_SurvivalWeibullPH_works_as_expected (character(0))
jmpost.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xmlβ[took 7s]
Raw output
Snapshot of code has changed: ('test-SurvivalWeibullPH.R:4:5')
Snapshot of code has changed:
old[6:10] vs new[6:10]
Weibull-PH Survival Model with parameters:
sm_weibull_ph_lambda ~ gamma(alpha = 2, beta = 0.5)
sm_weibull_ph_gamma ~ gamma(alpha = 2, beta = 0.5)
- beta_os_cov ~ normal(mu = 0, sigma = 5)
+ beta_os_cov ~ normal(mu = 0, sigma = 2)
* Run `testthat::snapshot_accept('SurvivalWeibullPH')` to accept the change.
* Run `testthat::snapshot_review('SurvivalWeibullPH')` to interactively review the change.