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Add brms examples for non-linear model (#425)
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gowerc authored Feb 18, 2025
1 parent 5a76e76 commit f055eae
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Showing 9 changed files with 234 additions and 0 deletions.
234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions design/examples/brms_nonlin_mixeff.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
# Non-linear model - Random Effects + Group Level

devtools::load_all() # library(jmpost)

n <- 300
mu_b <- c("A" = 60, "B" = 50)
mu_s <- c("A" = 0.5, "B" = 0.4)
mu_g <- c("A" = 0.2, "B" = 0.1)
omega_b <- 0.1
omega_s <- 0.1
omega_g <- 0.1
sigma <- 1.5
n_vis <- 4

sf_sld <- function(time, b, s, g) {
s <- dplyr::if_else(time >= 0, s, 0)
b * (exp(-s * time) + exp(g * time) - 1)

baseline <- tibble(
group = rep(c("A", "B"), each = n / 2),
pt = sprintf("pt_%06i", seq_len(n)),
b = rlnorm(n, log(mu_b[group]), omega_b),
s = rlnorm(n, log(mu_s[group]), omega_s),
g = rlnorm(n, log(mu_g[group]), omega_g),

dat_full <- tibble(
pt = rep(sprintf("pt_%06i", seq_len(n)), each = n_vis),
time = rep(seq(0, 3, length.out = n_vis), n)
) |>
left_join(baseline, by = "pt") |>
mutate(mu = sf_sld(time = time, b = b, s = s, g = g)) |>
mutate(value = rnorm(n * n_vis, mu, sigma))

dat <- dat_full |>
select(pt, value, time, group)

### Debug - Make sure patient profiles look sensible
# ggplot(data = filter(dat, pt %in% sample(dat$pt, 5)), aes(x = time, y = value, col = pt, group = pt)) +
# geom_point() +
# geom_line()

############## jmpost code

dat2 <- dat |> mutate(study = "S1")

dat_bl <- dat2 |>
select(pt, group, study) |>
group_by(pt) |>
slice(1) |>

jdat <- DataJoint(
subject = DataSubject(
data = dat_bl,
subject = "pt",
arm = "group",
study = "study"
longitudinal = DataLongitudinal(
data = dat2,
formula = value ~ time,
threshold = -99999

# Define the required model
jm <- JointModel(
longitudinal = LongitudinalSteinFojo(
mu_bsld = prior_normal(log(mean(mu_b)), 0.6),
mu_ks = prior_normal(log(mean(mu_s)), 0.6),
mu_kg = prior_normal(log(mean(mu_g)), 0.6),
omega_bsld = prior_lognormal(log(omega_b), 0.6),
omega_ks = prior_lognormal(log(omega_s), 0.6),
omega_kg = prior_lognormal(log(omega_g), 0.6),
sigma = prior_lognormal(log(sigma), 0.6),
centred = FALSE,
scaled_variance = FALSE

mp <- sampleStanModel(
data = jdat,
iter_warmup = 500,
iter_sampling = 1000,
chains = 3,
refresh = 100,
parallel_chains = 3

## Diagnostics to make sure the model works as expected
stanmod <- as.CmdStanMCMC(mp)

dat_plot <- baseline |>
mutate(est_b = posterior::as_draws_matrix(stanmod$draws("lm_sf_psi_bsld")) |> colMeans()) |>
mutate(est_g = posterior::as_draws_matrix(stanmod$draws("lm_sf_psi_kg")) |> colMeans()) |>
mutate(est_s = posterior::as_draws_matrix(stanmod$draws("lm_sf_psi_ks")) |> colMeans())

ggplot(dat_plot, aes(x = b, y = est_b)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1)

ggplot(dat_plot, aes(x = g, y = est_g)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1)

ggplot(dat_plot, aes(x = s, y = est_s)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1)

est_value <- posterior::as_draws_matrix(stanmod$draws("Ypred")) |> colMeans()

dat_plot <- dat_full |>
mutate(est_value = est_value)

ggplot(dat_plot, aes(x = est_value, y = value)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1)

############## BRMS code

### Default priors + internal data used by brms
### - Was useful for knowing which options to set on the priors (e.g. class / nlpar / coef)
### - This is just here for debugging / info purposes

# prior class coef group resp dpar nlpar lb ub source
# student_t(3, 0, 15.1) sigma 0 default
# (flat) b b default
# (flat) b groupB b (vectorized)
# (flat) b Intercept b (vectorized)
# student_t(3, 0, 15.1) sd b 0 default
# student_t(3, 0, 15.1) sd pt b 0 (vectorized)
# student_t(3, 0, 15.1) sd Intercept pt b 0 (vectorized)
# (flat) b g default
# (flat) b groupB g (vectorized)
# (flat) b Intercept g (vectorized)
# student_t(3, 0, 15.1) sd g 0 default
# student_t(3, 0, 15.1) sd pt g 0 (vectorized)
# student_t(3, 0, 15.1) sd Intercept pt g 0 (vectorized)
# (flat) b s default
# (flat) b groupB s (vectorized)
# (flat) b Intercept s (vectorized)
# student_t(3, 0, 15.1) sd s 0 default
# student_t(3, 0, 15.1) sd pt s 0 (vectorized)
# student_t(3, 0, 15.1) sd Intercept pt s 0 (vectorized)


# WARNING - Note that the brms model seems to be very sensitive to starting values
# / priors. It is not uncommon for the model to produce non-sense results
# if the chain gets stuck in a bad region of the parameter space.
# Please check usual diagnostics to make sure the model is working as expected.
# See an example of a bad fit here:
bfit <- brm(
value ~ exp(b) * (exp(-exp(s) * time) + exp(exp(g) * time) - 1),
b ~ 1 + group + (1 | pt),
s ~ 1 + group + (1 | pt),
g ~ 1 + group + (1 | pt),
nl = TRUE
data = dat,
prior = c(
prior("normal(log(60), 0.6)", nlpar = "b"), # b intercept
prior("normal(log(0.5), 0.6)", nlpar = "s"), # s intercept
prior("normal(log(0.2), 0.6)", nlpar = "g"), # g intercept
prior("normal(-0.1, 0.2)", nlpar = "b", class = "b", coef = "groupB"), # b group offset
prior("normal(-0.3, 0.2)", nlpar = "s", class = "b", coef = "groupB"), # s group offset
prior("normal(-0.7, 0.2)", nlpar = "g", class = "b", coef = "groupB"), # g group offset
prior("lognormal(log(0.1), 0.6)", nlpar = "b", class = "sd"), # b random effect sigma
prior("lognormal(log(0.1), 0.6)", nlpar = "s", class = "sd"), # s random effect sigma
prior("lognormal(log(0.1), 0.6)", nlpar = "g", class = "sd"), # g random effect sigma
prior("lognormal(log(1.5), 0.6)", class = "sigma") # overall sigma
warmup = 750,
iter = 1500,
chains = 3,
cores = 3,
backend = "cmdstanr"


## Diagnostics to make sure the model works as expected
bfit_means <- posterior::as_draws_matrix(bfit) |>

baseline_bfit <- baseline |>
mutate(est_b = exp(bfit_means["b_b_Intercept"] + bfit_means["b_b_groupB"] * (group == "B") + bfit_means[grep("r_pt__b", names(bfit_means))])) |>
mutate(est_s = exp(bfit_means["b_s_Intercept"] + bfit_means["b_s_groupB"] * (group == "B") + bfit_means[grep("r_pt__s", names(bfit_means))])) |>
mutate(est_g = exp(bfit_means["b_g_Intercept"] + bfit_means["b_g_groupB"] * (group == "B") + bfit_means[grep("r_pt__g", names(bfit_means))]))

ggplot(baseline_bfit, aes(x = b, y = est_b)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1)

ggplot(baseline_bfit, aes(x = g, y = est_g)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1)

ggplot(baseline_bfit, aes(x = s, y = est_s)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1)
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