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added data object documentation
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gowerc committed Mar 28, 2024
1 parent 2d93c3c commit c86dff9
Showing 1 changed file with 185 additions and 0 deletions.
185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions vignettes/extending-jmpost.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -232,3 +232,188 @@ parameter { real mu; // non-whitespace after opening `{`
x ~ normal(mu, sigma);
} // some comment // non-whitespace after closing `}`

## Stan Data Objects

When writing your own Stan code to extend jmpost it is important to note that
many different data objects have already been defined in the `data` block of the
base Stan template. This section outlines the different data objects that are
made available to user. Note that some objects are only made available if
the corresponding model is used; for example death times are only available if
the user specifies a `SurvivalModel` object to `JointModel()`.

### Global Data Objects

**Number of unique subjects**
int<lower=1> Nind;

**Number of unique studies**
int<lower=1> n_studies;

**Number of unique treatment arms**
int<lower=1> n_arms;

**Study index for each patient**
array[Nind] int<lower=1,upper=n_studies> pt_study_index;
- Note that this is sorted based upon the patients factor level within the R `data.frame`.
For example lets say patient `"A"` has a factor level of 15 and that their corresponding
study value has a factor level of 2 then `pt_study_index[15]` will be 2.

**Treatment arm index for each patient**
array[Nind] int<lower=1,upper=n_arms> pt_arm_index;
- A mirror of `pt_study_index` but for the treatment arm.

### Survival Data Objects

**Number of events**
int<lower=1> Nind_dead;

**Event/Censor Times**
vector[Nind] Times;
- Ordered by patient factor level

**Event Index**
array[Nind_dead] int dead_ind_index;
- Is the index into `Times` to identiy which times are an event. The rest are censored.

**Number of covariates for the survival model**
int<lower=0> p_os_cov_design;
- Note that this does not include the intercept term.

**Covariate design matrix for the survival model**
matrix[Nind, p_os_cov_design] os_cov_design;
- Note that this does not include the intercept term.

**Time >0 flag**
array[rows(Times)] int time_positive;

**Number of times >0**
int n_positive;

**Positive time index**
array[n_positive] int time_positive_index

**Gausian Quadrature Integration Parameters**
int<lower=1> n_nodes;
vector[n_nodes] nodes;
vector<lower=0, upper=1>[n_nodes] weights;
- These are the nodes and weights for the Gaussian quadrature integration.

### Longitudinal Data Objects

**Total number of tumour assessments**
int<lower=1> Nta_total;

**Number of tumour assessments above LLoQ**
int<lower=1> Nta_obs_y;

**Number of tumour assessments below LLoQ**
int<lower=0> Nta_cens_y;

**Tumour assessments values**
vector[Nta_total] Yobs;

**Tumour assessments time points**
vector[Nta_total] Tobs;

**LLoQ threshold**
real Ythreshold;

**Individual tumour assessment index**
array[Nta_total] int ind_index;
- That is if tumour assessment 1 belongs to the patient with factor level 3 then
`ind_index[1]` will be 3.

**Tumour assessment index for observations above LLoQ**
array[Nta_obs_y] int obs_y_index;
- For example if only tumour assessments 3 and 5 were above the LLoQ then
`obs_y_index` will be `[3, 5]`.

**Tumour assessment index for observations below LLoQ**
array[Nta_cens_y] int cens_y_index;
- For example if only tumour assessments 1 and 2 were below the LLoQ then
`obs_y_index` will be `[1, 2]`.

**Sparse matrix components for patient indexes of the tumour assessments**
array [3] int<lower=0> n_mat_inds_all_y;
vector[n_mat_inds_all_y[1]] w_mat_inds_all_y;
array[n_mat_inds_all_y[2]] int v_mat_inds_all_y;
array[n_mat_inds_all_y[3]] int u_mat_inds_all_y;
- This is the sparse matrix representation of the binary matrix that has one row per patient and one column per tumour assessment. That is, for row 3 of this matrix all columns that have an entry of 1 indicate that the corresponding entry in `Yobs` belongs to the patient with factor level 3. This matrix is primarily used to calculate the sum
of log-likelihood for all tumour assessments per patient in an efficient way.
- See [the Stan CSR documentation]( for more information on the sparse matrix representation.

**Sparse matrix components for patient indexes of the tumour assessments above the LLoQ**
array [3] int<lower=1> n_mat_inds_obs_y;
vector[n_mat_inds_obs_y[1]] w_mat_inds_obs_y;
array[n_mat_inds_obs_y[2]] int v_mat_inds_obs_y;
array[n_mat_inds_obs_y[3]] int u_mat_inds_obs_y;
- Same as above but only for the tumour assessments above the LLoQ.

**Sparse matrix components for patient indexes of the tumour assessments below the LLoQ**
array [3] int<lower=0> n_mat_inds_cens_y;
vector[n_mat_inds_cens_y[1]] w_mat_inds_cens_y;
array[n_mat_inds_cens_y[2]] int v_mat_inds_cens_y;
array[n_mat_inds_cens_y[3]] int u_mat_inds_cens_y;
- Same as above but only for the tumour assessments below the LLoQ.

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