The application is an inspiration from Twitch and lets the user who has logged into the application using Google OAuth to record video on their desktop and stream it to viewers on this application. Other people can watch videos that are being streamed.
The application is focused heavily on Client Side
- React
- Redux
- Redux-forms, Redux-Thunk
- React-router-dom
- Google OAuth2 (Client Side)
- Download the repository
- In 'client' folder, run 'npm install' to install the node modules
- Run 'npm start' to run the dev server at 'http://localhost:3000/'
- In 'api' folder, run 'npm install' to install the node modules
- Run 'npm start' to run the api server at 'http://localhost:3001/'
- In 'rtmpserver' folder, run 'npm install' to install the node modules
- Run 'npm start' to run the rtmp server at 'http://localhost:8000/'