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copilot-core: Define generic implementations of Struct and Typed meth…
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…ods. Refs Copilot-Language#564.

This adds functionality for implementing the class methods of `Struct` and
`Typed` using `GHC.Generics`. As such, one can now easily define instances of
these classes by deriving a `Generic` instance for the struct data type, i.e.,

data MyStructType = ...
  deriving Generic

instance Struct MyStructType where
  typeName = typeNameDefault
  toValues = toValuesDefault
  updateField = updateFieldDefault

instance Typed MyStructType where
  typeOf = typeOfDefault

This work is based off of an initial implementation by Marten Wijnja (@Qqwy).

Note that I do not yet change any of the default implementations of any
`Struct` or `Typed` methods. This is because several `Struct` instances in the
wild currently do not define implementations of `updateField`, and moreover,
they also do not define `Generic` instances for the corresponding data types.
As such, changing the default implementation of `updateField` to use a
`Generic`-based default would cause these instances in the wild to no longer
compile. We will explore changing the default implementations after a suitable
transition period.

Co-authored-by: Marten Wijnja <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
RyanGlScott and Qqwy committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent 633c7b9 commit 7bec492
Showing 1 changed file with 162 additions and 2 deletions.
164 changes: 162 additions & 2 deletions copilot-core/src/Copilot/Core/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,18 +36,26 @@ module Copilot.Core.Type
, fieldName
, accessorName
, updateField

, typeNameDefault
, toValuesDefault
, updateFieldDefault
, typeOfDefault

-- External imports
import Data.Char (isUpper, toLower)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Type.Equality as DE
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, eqT, typeRep)
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64, Word8)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, KnownSymbol, Symbol, natVal, sameNat,
sameSymbol, symbolVal)

-- Internal imports
import Copilot.Core.Type.Array (Array)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,3 +281,154 @@ data UType = forall a . Typeable a => UType { uTypeType :: Type a }

instance Eq UType where
UType ty1 == UType ty2 = typeRep ty1 == typeRep ty2

-- * GHC.Generics-based defaults

-- | A default implementation of 'typeName' that leverages 'Generic'. In order
-- to use this, make sure you derive a 'Generic' instance for your data type and
-- then define @'typeName' = 'typeNameDefault'@ in its 'Struct' instance.
-- This generates a struct name that consists of the name of the original
-- Haskell data type, but converted to snake_case.
typeNameDefault :: (Generic a, GDatatype (Rep a)) => a -> String
typeNameDefault = snakeCase . gTypeName . from
snakeCase :: String -> String
snakeCase = convert . applyFirst toLower

convert :: String -> String
convert [] = []
convert (x:xs)
| isUpper x = '_' : toLower x : convert xs
| otherwise = x : convert xs

applyFirst :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
applyFirst _ [] = []
applyFirst f (x:xs) = f x : xs

-- | A default implementation of 'toValues' that leverages 'Generic'. In order
-- to use this, make sure you derive a 'Generic' instance for your data type and
-- then define @'toValues' = 'toValuesDefault'@ in its 'Struct' instance.
toValuesDefault :: (Generic a, GStruct (Rep a)) => a -> [Value a]
toValuesDefault x = coerce $ gToValues $ from x

-- | A default implementation of 'updateField' that leverages 'Generic'. In
-- order to use this, make sure you derive a 'Generic' instance for your data
-- type and then define @'updateField' = 'updateFieldDefault'@ in its 'Struct'
-- instance.
updateFieldDefault :: (Generic a, GStruct (Rep a)) => a -> Value t -> a
updateFieldDefault a v@(Value _ field)
| updated = to a'
| otherwise = error $ "Unexpected field: " ++ show field
(a', updated) = gUpdateField (from a) v

-- | A default implementation of 'typeOf' that leverages 'Generic'. In order to
-- use this, make sure you derive a 'Generic' instance for your data type and
-- then define @'typeOf' = 'typeOfDefault'@ in its 'Typed' instance.
typeOfDefault ::
forall a. (Typed a, Struct a, Generic a, GTypedStruct (Rep a)) => Type a
typeOfDefault = Struct $ to $ gStructPlaceholder @(Rep a) @()

-- ** Generic-based classes (not exported)

-- | A class for capturing the name of a Haskell data type from its 'Generic'
-- metadata.
class GDatatype f where
-- | Returns the name of a Haskell data type. (Note that this differs from
-- 'typeName', which is expected to return the name of the struct in the
-- /target/ language).
gTypeName :: f p -> String

-- | The only 'GDatatype' instance we need is for 'D1', which describes
-- 'Datatype' metadata (@d@). We ignore all other metadata (@_f@).
instance Datatype d => GDatatype (D1 d _f) where
gTypeName = datatypeName

-- | A class for performing struct-related operations on 'Generic'
-- representation types.
class GStruct f where
-- | Transforms all the struct representation's fields into a list of values.
gToValues :: f p -> [Value (f p)]

-- | Update the value of a struct representation's field. This returns two
-- things:
-- 1. @f p@: The struct representation, but with the field updated.
-- 2. 'Bool': This is 'True' if the field was successfully updated and 'False'
-- otherwise. If this returns 'False', it is the responsibility of the
-- caller to raise an error.
gUpdateField :: f p -> Value t -> (f p, Bool)

-- | 'U1' represents a data constructor with no fields. As such, 'gToValues'
-- returns an empty list of 'Value's, and 'gUpdateField' does not update
-- anything.
instance GStruct U1 where
gToValues U1 = []
gUpdateField u _ = (u, False)

-- | 'M1' is only used to store metadata, which the 'GStruct' class does not
-- make use of. As such, this instance discards the metadata and recurses.
instance GStruct f => GStruct (M1 _i _c f) where
gToValues (M1 x) = coerce (gToValues x)
gUpdateField (M1 x) v = (M1 x', updated)
(x', updated) = gUpdateField x v

-- | @(':*:')@ represents a data constructor with multiple fields.
instance (GStruct f, GStruct g) => GStruct (f :*: g) where
-- Recursively compute two lists of Values and append them.
gToValues (f :*: g) = coerce (gToValues f) ++ coerce (gToValues g)
-- Recursively attempt to update the field in both branches and combine the
-- updated branches. We will have successfully updated the field if either
-- branch was successfully updated.
gUpdateField (f :*: g) v = (f' :*: g', updatedF || updatedG)
(f', updatedF) = gUpdateField f v
(g', updatedG) = gUpdateField g v

-- | 'K1' represents a single field in a data constructor. This is the base
-- case.
instance (KnownSymbol name, Typed ty, c ~ Field name ty) =>
GStruct (K1 _i c) where
-- Now that we have the field, return it in a singleton list.
gToValues (K1 field) = [Value typeOf field]
-- In order to update the field, we check that the field names and types
-- match. If they do, return the updated field and declare the update as
-- successful. Otherwise, return the old field and declare the update as
-- unsuccessful.
gUpdateField (K1 oldField) (Value newTy (newField :: Field newName newTy)) =
case (sameSymbol pName pNewName, testEquality ty newTy) of
(Just Refl, Just Refl) -> (K1 newField, True)
_ -> (K1 oldField, False)
pName = Proxy @name
pNewName = Proxy @newName
ty = typeOf @ty

-- | A class which computes a 'Generic' placeholder value to use for a struct
-- type.
class GTypedStruct f where
-- | A placeholder value to supply to use in a generic implementation of
-- 'typeOf' for a struct type.
gStructPlaceholder :: f p

-- | The implementation for 'U1' is straightforward and uninteresting.
instance GTypedStruct U1 where
gStructPlaceholder = U1

-- | The implementation for 'M1' is straightforward and uninteresting.
instance GTypedStruct f => GTypedStruct (M1 _i _c f) where
gStructPlaceholder = M1 gStructPlaceholder

-- | The implementation for @(':*:')@ is straightforward and uninteresting.
instance (GTypedStruct f, GTypedStruct g) => GTypedStruct (f :*: g) where
gStructPlaceholder = gStructPlaceholder :*: gStructPlaceholder

-- The implementation for 'K1' is the base case. Somewhat interestingly, we
-- return 'undefined' as the actual value for 'Field'. This is fine to do
-- because Copilot never inspects the value in this 'Field', so we can put
-- whatever value we'd like here.
instance (c ~ Field name ty) => GTypedStruct (K1 _i c) where
gStructPlaceholder = K1 $ Field undefined

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