WADP is built as an extension of ZenFS. Compile and run by referring to the introduction provided at https://github.com/westerndigitalcorporation/zenfs.
1.Download, build and install libzbd. See the libzbd README for instructions.https://github.com/westerndigitalcorporation/libzbd/blob/master/README.md
2.Build and install rocksdb with zenfs enabled:
$ DEBUG_LEVEL=0 ROCKSDB_PLUGINS=zenfs make -j48 db_bench install
3.Build the zenfs utility:
$ cd plugin/zenfs/util
$ make
If you want to use db_bench for testing zenfs performance, there is a a convenience script that runs the 'long' and 'quick' performance test sets with a good set of parameters for the drive.
cd tests; ./zenfs_base_performance.sh <zoned block device name> [ <zonefs mountpoint> ]