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Persistence graphical tools for sklearn itf #2749

Persistence graphical tools for sklearn itf

Persistence graphical tools for sklearn itf #2749

Workflow file for this run

name: pip build linux
on: [push, pull_request]
name: build pip wheel
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# cf.
container: gudhi/pip_for_gudhi:2024.12.02
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
- name: Build wheel for Python 3.9
run: |
mkdir build_39
cd build_39
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPython_EXECUTABLE=$PYTHON39/bin/python ..
cd src/python
$PYTHON39/bin/python -m build -n -w
auditwheel repair dist/*.whl
# NumPy 2.X is installed and guarantees ABI compatibility, test it with the minimal numpy version for python version
- name: Install and test wheel for Python 3.9
run: |
$PYTHON39/bin/python -m pip install --user pytest build_39/src/python/dist/*.whl
$PYTHON39/bin/python -m pip install numpy~=1.19.3
$PYTHON39/bin/python -c "import gudhi; print(gudhi.__version__)"
$PYTHON39/bin/python -m pytest -v src/python/test/
$PYTHON39/bin/python -m pytest -v src/python/test/
$PYTHON39/bin/python -m pytest -v src/python/test/
$PYTHON39/bin/python -m pytest -v src/python/test/
$PYTHON39/bin/python -m pytest -v src/python/test/
- name: Upload linux python wheel
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: linux python wheel
path: build_39/src/python/wheelhouse/*.whl