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GPlates App

The “GPlates-in-schools” program is funded by AuScope, comprising a GPlates app with integrated lesson plans, to provide an Earth Science-focused education engagement initiative.

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 6 26 44 pm


  • App being stuck at the start-up screen

    Clear the App storage data and cache, and then restart!!

  • Reloading App could be useful when a bug or mishap caused the App to enter and stuck in a messy state.

    reload the App by following the steps below.

    • Step 1: open the "Settings" window

    • Step 2: hit the "Reload App" button


How to contribute code

  • Open an issue
  • Create a new branch for the issue
  • Work on the new branch
  • Create a pull request for code review and merge
  • Remove the branch