Immersive Dashboard is data management application at Alterra Academy for managing Immersive Students.
✅ User can login and update data.
✅ Superadmin (Manager) can add new users (such as Mentor, Placement Team, People Skill Team), update data end delete users.
✅ User can see all registered users.
✅ User can create classes, edit, delete, and see class content.
✅ User can add mentee (students), view all mentees, edit mentees data, filter mentees list by classes, categories (IT and Non IT), and statuses (Interview, Join Class, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Repeat Unit 1, Repeat Unit 2, Repeat Unit 3, Placement, Eliminated, Graduated).
✅ User can edit/change mentee's status.
✅ User can add feedback/log for mentee.
If you want to consume open api here
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Go to the project directory
cd immersive-dashboard-api