AUCOP is...
It's a collection of open source audio plugins, which are (at inception) based on Pure Data and the Camomile plugin API (which itself uses libpd). Most plugins are based on "Vanilla" Pd, which is a prerequisite of Camomile.
Some plugins also (will) utilize MobMuPlat, which is an opensource API for creating interfaces on mobile devices. MobMuPlat has great networking hooks, and is OSC capable.
All plugin subfolders are organized as follows:
- /PD/ ... the orginal Pure Data patch and support files. Copy this folder anywhere, then load the <plugin_name>.pd file in Pure Data.
- /Camomile/ ... the Camomile plugin source files. Place /<plugin_name>/ in the Camomile/Examples folder (or Camomile/Plugins/Examples/), and invoke Camomile as required for the target OS. Follow the instructions on the Camomile site for each OS to install from the /builds/ folder (it's different for each OS).
- /plugins_linux/ ... binary plugins built for EXT4 64 bit systems. If you don't want to generate the plugins, simply copy /<plugin_name>.lv2/ to ~/.lv2/, or the LV2 system folder. Likewise, copy the plugin within the /vst3/ folder to ~/.vst3/ to install the vst3 version.
Note: As of 1.0.7, Camomile doesn't support VST2, due to Steinberg withdrawing the header files (their API was free, but never open). This is unfortunate, as fewer hosts support vst3.
Additionally, due to JUCE cross-platform issues, MANY extra MIDI parameters are exposed in the VST3 plugin generic interface.
- /.AUCOP/ ... This directory should be copied to the user home dir (i.e.: ~/.AUCOP/). It holds preset and configuration files. It's new with 0.1.71.
I prefer the user "home" installs, as that allows for easy editing of the preset files that accompany some plugins. And Carla automatically scans the ~/.lv2 directory on start, no need to manually rescan...
Camomile affords encapsulation of Pure Data patches within different plugin formats for multiple platforms (Linux, Mac, Windows). Currently only the Linux binary plugins are included (this will likely change), but using the source files to generate the plugins for other platforms is encouraged. See the instructions above in Installation.
Learn how to create new Camomile plugins here.
All Camomile plugins with guis have an extra documentation tab that's accessed by clicking on the chamomile flower in the upper left corner of the GUI.
One tab displays the contents of the plugin-defined "description" file -- "Info.txt" in the plugin folder is the conventional name.
As noted, each AUCOP project includes a Linux LV2 plugin, and a VST2 VST3 plugin. They are not stand-alone applications, and must be instantiated within an audio app, such as Carla or a DAW, like Ardour.
There are some LV2 issues currently, like all parameters are normalized to a 0-1 range.. NOTE: this issue is now fixed in Camomile 1.0.7, so it's much preferable to build these plugins with that version, or newer.
Thanks! Later,
Doug Garmon